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Habitat loss is one of the key threats facing elephants. Many climate change
GET THE FACTS . The African elephant is the largest living land mammal. .
Interesting Elephant Facts. 9. Feb. Elephant friends by Dave Smith. 1. Like all
May 14, 2012 . This article endeavors to cover the essential elephant facts for kids including
Aug 20, 2011 . Do you know elephants sleep in standing position? And what about the gestation
Elephants have a slower pulse of 27 and for a canary it is 1000! Only one
Elephant Facts and Information. Feeding, habitat, distribution, reproduction,
Jan 24, 2012 . Bahasa · Home » News & Facts . The decline is largely because of elephant
ELEPHANTS - Habitat & Distribution. Discover animal, environmental, and
Elephants are large land mammals in two extant genera of the family
Apr 27, 2012 . Enjoy lots more interesting lion information with these fun facts. . where
Fact file: Elephant . The forest elephant is much smaller than the bush elephant.
Elephant facts. . Habitat: Dense forest to open plains . In East Africa many well-
The elephant is the largest animal that lives on land. Some male elephants can
African Bush Elephant Interesting Facts and Features In the early 19th century,
Learn all you wanted to know about African elephants with pictures, videos,
Nov 21, 2007 . 10 Amazing Facts About Elephants. . I think the facts are too long and you
Visit this site providing fast FACTS about Elephants. Provides details of a variety
Sep 20, 2011 . Elephants are mammals that classify as the largest animals on land. Get to know
Estimates in this magnitude have been cited for many years despites the fact that
Apr 27, 2012 . Fun Animal Facts for Kids. Check out our awesome range of animal facts for kids
New Elephant Habitat. Photo by Melissa Willis. Elephant Habitat Facts.
Interesting Facts: The elephant is distinguished by its high level of intelligence,
Animal Facts - Elephants: interesting and fun facts about elephants. . Elephants
Learn all you wanted to know about elephants with pictures, videos, photos, .
The lifespan of an elephant is about 60 years. Females have a square or pointed
Mar 16, 2011 . There's a lot of great information about this giant creature. Find many interesting
X. Facts on the Habitat of Elephants. Must See: Slide Shows. Behavioral
Elephants never forget an injury or abuse and it's true. To know more such
Learn all you wanted to know about Asian elephants with pictures, videos, photos
Elephants are known for their excellent memory and intelligence. Check out
Mammoth Facts Handout . structure, habitat. Mammoths are NOT the ancestors
adaptation and habitat the africaN elephaNt. AFRICAN ELEPHANT FACTS… •
Elephant Facts and Information. Feeding, habitat, distribution, reproduction,
Pygmy Elephant (Loxodonta cyclotis pumilio) They are found from Sierra Leone
Facts – African elephant . Habitat – African elephant . . The loss and
Facts and information about Asian elephants. . Location and Habitat. Asian
The African elephant is one of only two species of elephants alive today, the
Elephants play important roles in the cultures and religions of countries in most of
Apr 14, 2012 . asian elephants factsby emalina1maynaolaNo views; asian elephant habitat 0:56
All the facts and information that you require about elephants can be found on
Learn facts about elephants, including what they eat, how they live, how big they
Best fun facts about elephants. The African elephants reach 13 feet high and
Amazing Animal Facts: Sea Otter . what is a Asian elephants predator? . The
Unit study on Elephants. Elephants are plant eaters, or herbivores. Adult
Funny elephant pictures and interesting stories. The elephant's memory is
Small numbers of forest elephants live in dense equatorial forests of Central
Interesting Facts About Elephants. Brain: When compared to its weight the
Jan 23, 2012 . The Sumatran elephant has been downgraded from “endangered” to . Send a
This page includes a summary of elephant related facts to get you inducted in to