Dec 2, 11
Other articles:
  • What is Acid Rain? Acid rain is the term used in environmental science that
  • May 29, 2009 . Acid rain damage can be seen on many of the monuments in . The Causes and
  • Acid rain contributes to the corrosion of metals and the deterioration of paint and
  • During the late 20th century, rising global concerns over the effects of acid rain
  • May 13, 2011 . Students conduct a simple experiment to model and explore the harmful effects of
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  • Acid rain, more accurately termed acid deposition, has been studied for many
  • Acid Rain Effects. Acid deposition changes the chemistry of the environment. It
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  • Emissions from factories and cars seep into the rainwater that nourishes
  • Feb 6, 2009 . Learn what causes acid rain and how it impacts trees, plants, buildings, cars, and
  • Aug 5, 2007 . The effects of acid rain can be seen in forests and on statues around the world.
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  • Effects of Acid Rain on People. Acid rain looks, feels, and tastes just like clean
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  • Acid rain can be reduced through understanding acid deposition, cleaning up .
  • Acid rain damages automotive paints and other coatings and appears as
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  • Acid rain is a common term for rain, snow, fog and dew that has a higher than
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