May 28, 12
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  • Dec 13, 2000 . AFFECTED – adjective – influenced by an outside force. EFFECT . Do you know
  • It's a war for the ages - the battle of affect vs. effect. . Also note that if used with
  • Or maybe it means a word like "friendly," which looks like an adverb but is an
  • Learn to use properly than, then, effect, affect, effected, affected, appraise,
  • I think affect is a verb and effect is a noun (or effected can be a adjective, like the
  • Part of Speech: adjective . Synonyms: affecting, breathtaking, climactic, comic,
  • Feb 13, 2012 . effected. Origin: "brought about", past participle adjective from "effect". Sometimes
  • www.wordcourt.com/archives.php?show=2005-09-21 - SimilarDefine Effect vs. Affect: Grammar Guide(These words may be separated from effect by an adjective.) Use affect when . "I
  • When used as a descriptor or adjective, affect means to change, and usually . or
  • The words “affect” and “effect” can both be used as nouns or verbs, but when
  • Affect can have an effect. both can be verbs or nouns. . "The experimental
  • What's the difference between Affected and Effected? Affected . For example,
  • Affected -adjective- acted upon; influenced. Effected -noun- Something brought
  • affected. Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary. Jump to: navigation,
  • Affecting definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with pronunciation,
  • Nov 11, 2010 . Our efforts have effected a major change in university policy. A memory-help for
  • Jul 29, 2008. on effect versus affect. Learn the differences between affect and effect. . but
  • Mar 22, 2012 . "She was affected by her husband leaving her because it effected her eating . . "
  • when you add -ed they're past tense verbs, but yes they can also be adjectives or
  • Sep 2, 2011 . This question about "Affected VS Effected… . affected: adjective 1. acted upon;
  • Jan 10, 2011 . After those nine, it is defined as a verb, "effected" (one definiton). "Affected" on the
  • Institute on Ethnicity, Culture and the Modern Experience. The Institute on
  • Affected definition adjective - check this search query . . and affected definition,
  • Affected and Effected are both verb forms. When used as a verb . www.city-get.com/search-city/City/33110/effected - Cachedvass: This is what happens when you read the EULAOct 2, 2010 . "Her strategy was effective." Affecting, adjective: influencing one's emotions. "Her
  • A google search on "the effected area" and "the affected area" turns up a lot more
  • Affected definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with pronunciation,
  • The Multiple Affect Adjective Check List-Revised (MAACL-R) Scales. The five
  • I think "effected" here is an adjective modifying the noun "notification", and "
  • affecting - adjective FORMAL . affected adjective DISAPPROVING artificial and
  • Most sentences using "effect" as a verb are weak if the thing "effected" is a noun
  • The M-W dictionary doesn't even show either word as an adjective. . an area
  • Adjective - a word that describes a noun or pronoun. .Descriptive . The person
  • Adverbial. postmodifier in noun phrase, complement of adjective . Adjectival
  • 01/29/01: Effect and Affect . The trade embargo effected the rise in oil prices. .
  • Oct 1, 2004 . The verb "affect" takes a direct object (the noun which is affected) which is
  • Learn how to use adjectives. In / at / on . Learn the basic rules for using
  • Using affect/effect as an adjective. Please resolve the internal . Please send the
  • Affect Vs. Effect www.ask.com/Affect+Vs.+Effect Get Affect Vs. Effect Search for
  • The effected parties have approved the process flows. . The parties were
  • Jun 27, 2011 . Eh? According to the link that you've provided, the adjective affected . whereas
  • [From AFFECT.] af·fect·ed2 (ə-fĕk'tĭd) pronunciation adj. Assumed or simulated to
  • . the difference between affect and effect (and all their adverbs/adjectives etc.) .
  • I always get confused in the usage of effect and affect. Please give examples . '
  • Jan 10, 2007 . Example: He effected a commotion in the crowd. Meaning: He . Note: These
  • Dictionary entry overview: What does effected mean? • EFFECTED (adjective)
  • I would use the word "affected" rather than "effected" in that sentence. The word "
  • RegFix Mantra 5.1. Screen Saver: Tuber vs Solanars 1.03.effected-vs-affected-adjective.softsia.com/downloads - CachedAffect vs. EffectAmong the pairs of words writers often confuse, affect and effect might be .

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