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Create a fun, easy-to-remember synonym for each of the scientific terms to the
Other Words for Easy: Carefree, Easygoing, Casual, Lenient, Undemanding,
Jul 10, 2010 . What is an easy way to determine the meaning of a synonym and antonym? .
Sep 23, 2010 . Synonym starts with the letter "s" just like the word similar does, which can make
Remember this when you look at plant identification books. . are almost always
Feb 22, 2011 . Words with synonym friends are sometimes easier to remember… because of all
Synonyms of Antonyms Write Synonyms of Antonyms #3. Write synonyms for
Game boards and worksheets for teaching synonyms. . A set of worksheets and
easy to remember meaning, definition, English dictionary, . dictionary.reverso.net/english-synonyms/easy%20to%20remember - CachedMemorize Synonyms, Memorize Antonyms | Thesaurus.comSynonyms for memorize at Thesaurus.com with free online thesaurus, antonyms,
Translations of vague. vague synonyms, vague antonyms. . indistinct - not
Learning in small increments is much easier and you will retain much more if you
difficult to remember meaning, definition, English dictionary, synonym, see also '
Comprehensive list of synonyms for Words used to describe memory and . if a
Feb 15, 2010 . When you read a word, find all the synonyms related to that and try to remember
Mar 6, 2011 . How to Remember. ANTOnym is opposite, SYNOnym is the same. One easy way
Synonyms for "mnemonic" in English including definitions, and related words. .
Best Answer - Chosen by Voters. Quite Easy. Have a Synonyms-Antonyms -
A Synonym is an alias or alternate name for a table, view, Sequence, or other
Aug 10, 2010 . Most of the times phrasal verbs are less formal and easier to remember than their
Definitions/synonyms are immediately available for viewing, emailing, or
Jul 2, 2010 . Synonyms are words that have the same meaning, like cold and icy or small and
. by doing something unusual or extraordinary that people notice and remember
syn-. together. The English prefixes syn- along with its variant sym-, derived from
Nov 30, 2010 . The synonyms found are then displayed – simple. For example, `M-x synonyms
Synonym of Easy to remember: Babylon English-Turkish easy to remember
Comprehensive list of synonyms for short, related words for short and other
Nov 11, 2011 . This makes it easier to remember the word and is particularly helpful for . for
92 Responses to “Memorize Tough GRE Words Easily- I”. bidisha paul on
remember meaning, definition, English dictionary, synonym, see also 'System.
Feb 27, 2009 . The correct use of the word "comprise" becomes easy if you remember that the
When you read a word, find all the synonyms related to that and try to remember
For example, learn angry/happy (antonyms) and angry/cross (synonyms) at the
See Synonyms at ambiguous. . “Very enthusiastic, I remember they said you
Any system designed for people should be easy to use, easy to learn, easy to
Apr 26, 2012 . as synonyms that I do want to export. . For example : keywords that made easy
Synonyms for learn at Thesaurus.com with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and
To remember the english synonyms is not a easy way. The best thing to
Nov 14, 2011 . It is not easy to remember synonyms by reading from the dictionary. However, if
Focus on the synonym for each word, rather than the entire definition. For
Find the synonym of easy using this free online thesaurus and dictionary of
Synonyms are more common, and in fact most dictionaries use synoyms to define
Mar 19, 2012 . These online tools use combination of words, synonyms and word . Choose a
Comprehensive list of synonyms for memorable, related words for memorable
Synonyms for forget at Thesaurus.com with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and
Nov 4, 2011 . Are reck and feck synonyms? . They can be synonyms, but note: feckless .
What are synonyms for remember? retrieve, recall, call back, call up. What is the
. real/ make-believe; left/ right; easy/difficult; remember/forget; question/ answer;
May 3, 2011 . For example, one of my IDE test cases contained a call to store–the easy-to-
easy - the answer is of course "difficult" because difficult is the opposite (antonym