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Nov 3, 2008 . The current time at Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) with a list of countries, states and
The seventy-fifth meridian being almost precisely the central meridian for the
Under the old system, 77 of the state's 92 counties were in the Eastern Time Zone
Right now, the official U.S. time is: 22:45:24. Tuesday . time zone, You chose the
Standard Time in the US Standard time in time zones was instituted in the U.S. .
The UTC Time (shown directly below) is the standard time zone upon which all .
May 18, 2011 . USA, Canada Clocks on Standard Time until 11 March 2012 at 2am local time .
Jul 26, 2011 . You can also view our International Time Zone Map or our United States Time
profileYou are 1 of 15013 active visitors right now! . . The current time and date in
Information about the time zone abbreviation EST – Eastern Standard Time -
Washington local time information. Washington, District Of Columbia time zone is
Standard time zone: UTC/GMT -5 hours. No daylight saving time at the moment.
The time zone for Arizona is Mountain Standard time. . and Illinois; and only two
Time Zone Codes are a method of abbreviating the name of a Time Zone. As an
Jun 24, 2010 . Toledo is in the Eastern Standard Time zone, so: Local Time = 20:25 - 5 hours =
Jun 27, 2011 . Clock showing actual current local time now in Sydney, NSW (East Australia
Many time zone tables report the number of hours to add to .
. to various time zones. Know the regions time of USA, Pacific Standard time,
May 18, 2011 . PST: Pacific Standard Time. Pacific Time (PT). What's the actual current local time
May 18, 2011 . Eastern Time Zone is the Eastern Time Zone of the United States of America (
Standard time zone: UTC/GMT +10 hours. Daylight saving time: +1 hour. Current
The Eastern Time Zone (ET) of the Western Hemisphere falls mostly along the
Find out what time it is in different time zones. . Time Zone Conversion .
Right now, the official U.S. time is: : You have chosen the time zone. Coordinated
Eastern Standard Time, Eastern Time, EST - standard time in the 5th time zone
Microsoft Time Zone Index Values. Environment Variables .
Standard time zone: UTC/GMT -5 hours. No daylight saving time at the moment.
During the eight-month period of Daylight Saving Time, the names of time in each
Local time is UTC plus the time zone offset for that location, e.g.: Eastern
Their first full-length album, Eastern Standard Time, released under M.E.C.C.A
Time Zone Name. GMT Offset (hrs). IDLE/NZST, International Date Line East/
May 18, 2011 . Looking for current time in EST / Eastern Time Zone now? EST USA & Canada /
Current local time, day and date in EST (Eastern Standard Time Zone) is: 11:25
Oct 5, 2011 . In the United States and Canada, this time zone is generally called Eastern Time
displays the time each map was made in the lower right hand .
Time Zones abbreviations description and UTC offset for time zones and
Time zone and current times for all of the United States including information
05, 06:12:17 UTC Universal Time Jan. 05, 01:12:17 AM EST Eastern Time Jan.
Time computer dictionary definition and information.
Dec 2, 2011 . yoga in the Eastern Time Zone in the United States.
. Time zone. Ecyclopedia or dictionary article about Time zone. . UTC-10 (HST
In the United States and Canada, this time zone is generally called Eastern Time
The province of Quebec falls almost entirely within the Eastern Standard Time
Sep 13, 2006 . |Eastern Standard Time|>. subtract 5 hours from UTC| . When converting zone
PDT = Pacific Daylight Time; PST = Pacific Standard Time; MDT = Mountain .
This time zone can be roughly determined by calculating the number of 15°
In the United States and Canada, this time zone is generally called Eastern Time
Time and time zone converter. Readily tell the time anywhere in the world using
Find out current local time in Eastern Standard Time, EST. For when traveling