Jun 5, 12
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  • du·al·i·ty. noun \dü-ˈa-lə-tē also dyü-\. plural du·al·i·ties. Definition of DUALITY. :
  • Wave-particle duality is the concept that all matter exhibits the properties of both
  • Mar 4, 2010 . Having said this, we need to understand how duality was defined. Back in 1976,
  • wave-particle duality. Principle that subatomic particles possess some wavelike
  • duality meaning, definition, English dictionary, synonym, see also 'System.
  • Definition of: wave-particle duality. The inherent contradiction in the way energy
  • immune system. n. The integrated body system of organs, tissues, cells, and cell
  • Define duality. What is duality? duality meaning and more by Macmillan
  • Wave-particle duality definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with
  • Mathematics. a symmetry within a mathematical system such that a theorem
  • . then predicate dualism is most easily defined as the negation of this position.
  • Received 30 June 1969; published in the issue dated 11 August 1969. A new
  • Definition of duality : As hinted at by the word "dual" within it, duality refers to
  • (Economics) (Mathematics) Maths a technique used in economics, etc., for
  • Duality (physics). The state of having two natures, which is often applied in
  • Define duality. What is duality? duality meaning, synonyms and audio
  • Also found in: Legal, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia, 0.01 sec. du·al·i·ty (d - l -t , dy -). n.
  • The quality or character of being twofold; dichotomy. duality [djuːˈælɪtɪ]. n pl -
  • (Philosophy / Logic) (in formal logic and set theory) the principles that conjunction
  • The exhibition of both wavelike and particlelike properties by a single entity, as of
  • Definition: Wave-particle duality describes the properties of photons and
  • 1. a set or series of interconnected or interdependent parts or entities (objects,
  • Define duality in American English. What is duality? duality meaning, synonyms,
  • a principle in projective geometry: from a geometric theorem another theorem
  • Download free ppt files and documents about Duality Definition or preview the
  • In this silence one realizes the real meaning of non duality. When you meditate
  • noun. the state or quality of being two or in two parts; dichotomy; physics the
  • Nondualism is an affinity, or unity, rather than duality or separateness or . The
  • Non duality is a teaching of ACIM. The definition of non dualism has also taken
  • Definition of duality in the AudioEnglish.net Dictionary. Meaning of duality. What
  • duality n. The quality or character of being twofold; dichotomy.www.answers.com/topic/duality - Cached - Similarwave-particle duality: Definition from Answers.comwave-particle duality n. The exhibition of both wavelike and particlelike properties
  • In Search Of The Duality Definition. 75. rate or flag. By stewart_dent. The realm of
  • DUALITY CONCEPT is the foundation of the universally applicable double entry
  • Definition of duality in the Online Dictionary. Multiple meanings, detailed
  • This dual order Pop is defined to be the set with the inverse order, i.e. x ≤ y holds
  • CEO duality refers to the situation when the CEO also holds the position of the
  • In mathematical contexts, duality has numerous meanings, and although it is “a .
  • Definition of dualism in the Online Dictionary. Meaning of dualism. Pronunciation
  • The term 'dualism' was originally coined to denote co-eternal binary opposition, a
  • string duality ( ¦striŋ dü′alədē ) ( particle physics ) The property of superstring
  • wave-particle duality definition: The exhibition of both wavelike and particlelike
  • Duality (physics). The state of having two natures, which is often applied in
  • wave-par·ti·cle duality (w v pär t -k l). n. The exhibition of both wavelike and
  • Synonyms for duality at Thesaurus.com with free online thesaurus, antonyms,
  • One part of associated linear programming (lp) problems called the primal and
  • duality definition, meaning, English dictionary, synonym, see also 'dualist',dual',
  • What is a mind? How do we define a self? The speaker at Being Human just
  • duality noun - definition, audio pronunciation, synonyms and more for duality

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