Other articles:
Preventing Teen Abuse of Prescription Drugs. FACT SHEET. WHAT IS
Medicare Advantage and Prescription Drug Plan Fact Sheet . The Medicare
In equine medicine, compounded drugs are only considered if a horse needs to
IRAN-CONTRA ERA. C.I.A. & DRUGS FACT SHEET. "Without the Honduran
Rapid Molecular Testing to Detect Drug-Resistant TB in the US . Suggested
Because so many of our clients take psychiatric drugs, this Fact Sheet reviews
May 18, 2012 . Get the facts about Alcohol & Other Drugs. Find out about how drugs effect
Drugs causing similar effects. Marijuana. Overdose effects . Drug Fact Sheet.
Extensively-drug resistant tuberculosis (XDR TB) is a strain of TB resistant to at
Fact Sheets for medications starting with letters A - E.aids.about.com/od/medsae/ - CachedFACT SHEET: DRUG USE AND MISUSE IN LOS ANGELES COUNTYSeptember 2010. FACT SHEET: DRUG USE AND. MISUSE IN LOS ANGELES.
The use of prescription medication to create an altered state, to get high, or for .
www.drugfreepa.org. PEYOTE. What is Peyote? Peyote is a small, spineless
get the facts. The presence of predator drugs (more commonly known as rape
Nov 2, 2006 . voluntary outpatient prescription drug benefit for people on Medicare, known as
The Missouri Department of Mental Health is dedicated to combating stigma
"Facts on Prescription and Over-the-Counter Drugs" is part of a series of fact
Fact Sheet. New Drug Development Process. At one time or another everyone
Synthetic drugs are the cause of growing numbers of injuries and deaths, .
Fact Sheets. Fact sheets are provided in Portable Document Format (PDF). .
Fact Sheet: Prescription Drug Abuse - a DEA Focus. Useful Links. • In 2009, there
Alcohol, Drug and Addiction Resources. Image of several fact sheets. Ministry of
Office of National Drug Control Policy. ONDCP, Washington, D.C. 20503 p (202)
Key facts. Rates of transmitted HIV drug resistance* continue to remain limited in
Drug Class: Cannabis/ Marijuana: spectrum of behavioral effects is unique,
Drug Fact Sheets These pages will teach you about the most commonly abused
NEW FACT SHEETS (PDF). Alcohol · Cocaine/Crack · Ecstasy · LSD and PCP ·
Nov 29, 2011 . Street Drug Fact Sheet. The word "substance" can refer to a drug of abuse, a
The fact sheets below were developed by many different authors. In some cases
The National Cancer Institute (NCI) has played an active role in the development
Fact Sheet Drugs and Lactation Database (LactMed). LactMed, part of the
Dec 5, 2008 . Date rape drugs fact sheet. What are date rape drugs? What do the drugs look
When taken as directed for legitimate medical purposes, prescription drugs can
Biologic Drugs: Fact Sheets. For more information . Download the enbrel fact
HRA developed and tested clear language materials on prescription drugs for
Alcohol, other drugs and addiction Page 1 of 14. Alcohol, other drugs and
Dec 8, 2011 . leading the Nation's effort to reduce drug use and its consequences. . The large
Synthetic Stimulant Substances. (Cathinone, Methcathinone, Mephedrone,
Inhalant Fact Sheet Inhalants represent a broad spectrum of substances and .
Lewis Drug is a family owned pharmacy in South Dakota, Iowa and Minnesota.
Rohypnol, Gamma hydroxybutyrate -- GHB -- drug fact sheet. Drug-facilitated
Drugs that are legal—prescription and over-the counter (OTC) medications—can
Immunosuppressive Drug Fact Sheet. • Organ transplant recipients must take
Apr 17, 2012 . The White Office releases a fact sheet by the Office of National Drug Control
present in your oral fluid or blood. • There are severe penalties in place for
These Fact Sheets represent the conclusions of the Panel and include the state
Antiviral Medications to Treat/Prevent Influenza (Flu), English · Español. /,
May 8, 2012 . For more information about covered drugs, see the SeniorCare Covered Drugs
Apr 9, 2012 . Alzheimer's Disease Medications Fact Sheet. Several prescription drugs are
Mar 3, 2010 . Drug Driving Fact Sheet. . Drug Driving Fact Sheet ( Drug Driving Fact Sheet|