May 15, 12
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  • am new here, have tried researching sick Betta's via internet, not much luck.
  • so one of my female bettas died of dropsy a couple of days ago. Sad . My
  • Feb 26, 2011 . Dropsy | Betta Fish Care for Fighting Fish Enthusiasts.nippyfish.net/sick-betta/dropsy/ - Cached - SimilarSymptoms of Dropsy in Betta Fish | Betta Fish CareMay 21, 2009 . Dropsy is the term we use to describe the severe bloating or pinecone
  • I have a crown tail Beta who is displaying symptoms of Dropsy. Ive never dealt
  • Is your Betta bloated with raised scales? Need to make sure he's not just
  • Mar 26, 2012 . It all started about 2 weeks ago. This may be unrelated, but I started getting lots of
  • Mar 28, 2012 . Question - My betta now appears to have dropsy with pop eye on one eye.. Find
  • Bad week of aquarium related issues for me. New ember tetra dead, flushed filter
  • Mar 10, 2012 . I have a betta that's always been "sick". She was a rescue from Walmart and has
  • Dropsy. A Betta in the beginning stage of Dropsy. Note the protruding scales on
  • Sep 18, 2009 . Curing Dropsy in Betta Fish | Betta Fish Care for Fighting Fish Enthusiasts.nippyfish.net/2009/09/18/curing-dropsy-in-betta-fish/ - Cached - SimilarDropsy in Betta FishHow to identify, diagnose, prevent and cure dropsy in betta fish and other fish.www.bettafishcenter.com/Dropsy.shtml - Cached - SimilarDropsy in Fish; Swollen Betta, Kidney InfectionNov 4, 2006 . Betta, Platy, goldfish, fish with Dropsy This post originated from a forum post that I
  • Jun 20, 2010 . A short overview of the common betta fish disease Dropsy, including symptoms,
  • Dropsy, SBD or constipation? Betta Fish Diseases and Emergencies.www.bettafish.com/showthread.php?t=59040 - Cached - SimilarI hate dropsy - Betta FightingI hate dropsy Betta Disease Diagnosis and Treatment.bettafighting.com/showthread.php?p=55948 - Cached - SimilarCured Dropsy - Betta FightingCured Dropsy Betta Disease Diagnosis and Treatment.bettafighting.com/showthread.php?t=2388 - Cached - SimilarMy Betta Fish Has Dropsy? Any cure? - Yahoo! Answersmy fish had this too and died. i'm sorry. It's possibly the hardest internal bacterial
  • Let me rephrase, NO LUCK AT ALL) in treating successfully bettas with dropsy.
  • Velvet (Oodiniasis) Fungal Diseases Black Spot Fin Rot "Dropsy" Ammonia .
  • Betta Fish Dropsy Journal Around the 15th or 20th of January: begin to notice that
  • Feb 6, 2009 . dropsy, Betta: Hi Mariska Sorry to hear your little guy is so sick. Unfortunately, fish
  • My betta definitely has fin rot, but I also notice his scales sticking up a bit. :( Does
  • Mar 23, 2009 . Information on the symptoms and treatments for Dropsy in Bettas.www.bettasrus.net/disease/dropsy.htm - Cached - Similardropsy - Betta InfoI know it can be frustrating to have an injured or sick betta fish and have to sift
  • I have three bettas (seperate bowls) and one has devoloped dropsy (bloated
  • Unfortunately, once a fish comes down with dropsy, there's not much you can do.
  • This morning he was really bloated with dropsy so I have separated him. This
  • Either she is about to explode with eggs or somehow got dropsy are my . 10g:
  • 6) Betta Dropsy: This is the most serious of betta fish diseases and can be fatal.
  • is there any effective treatment for dropsy? (betta green molly black striped)
  • Sep 26, 2011 . Today I found my brother's Betta fish lying at the bottom of the tank with raised
  • I believe another one of my bettas has dropsy and I know there is no cure for it. I
  • Dec 5, 2011 . Ok 3rd time writing this out,,,, what the heck. . 2 years ago we found a Betta Fish
  • Betta fish dropsy is an ailment that is not to be taken lightly. If left untreated, it can
  • Jul 11, 2011 . I have a sorority of 6 in a ten gallon tank that runs at 80 degrees. My little CT girl
  • Hello all, Noticed my betta's belly looking bloated the past few days. The fish acts
  • May 6, 2012 . About betta fish: Betta Fish Puffy Dropsy. My betta fish, Tips and info for a healthy
  • Jan 26, 2012 . You will know if your betta is dealing with dropsy because his/her scales will
  • Hello everyone! I'm brand new to this forum and hope someone(s) can give me a
  • betta dropsy questions. ****Whats wrong with my betta? i need help!? Where to
  • Like POPEYE, dropsy is a symptom, rather than an illness itself. It indicates an
  • I just noticed my female betta has the raised scales and bloat symptomatic of
  • Feb 5, 2012 . I think my betta may have dropsy. He has bulges on both sides of his body; they
  • Dec 6, 2011 . i dont know what to do im just so scared and its really gross i fell like puting him
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