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Aug 15, 2011 . Get the facts about the impacts of drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge on
Dec 18, 2004 . Surely the odds outweigh the benefits for drilling in Alaska, the mere fact that it
Jun 16, 2008 . The second myth about ANWR is that drilling there would provide us with . In
Jun 29, 2008 . Apparently facts mean nothing. Drilling in ANWR or anywhere else will have no
Nov 17, 2008 . In fact, experts of all political persuasions acknowledge that even if offshore . In
Sep 1, 2011 . Some basic facts on Alaska's continuing oil tax debate . . can't make major
Alaska is the 4th least populous and the least densely populated of the 50 . .. in
Time to drill for oil in alaskas anwar. . ALASKA OIL DRILLING ANWR . . ANWR
Alaska's first productive oil drilling operation was at Katalla, on the Gulf of Alaska,
(Some Facts On) Oil Drilling in Alaska · LiberyHaven.com ^ | Sarah Anderson.
Sep 11, 2008 . The facts keep getting glossed over in favor of emotional rhetoric. The area of
Drilling and Spilling on Alaska's North Slope. North Slope Oil Development: Air
Sep 22, 2004 . The author suggests this is the reason ANWR has remained untapped. Though
From the premier oil drilling rigs on Alaska's North Slope to high-end security
Dec 25, 2011 . News · Features · Ask the Experts · Edit This · Extreme Tech · Fact or Fiction . .
Facts about the Alaska Pipeline> . As the leading stock photo agency, Alaska
Facts About Oil Drilling in Alaska. Alaska Natives began using oil seeps in
. information. True facts about ANWR, not the oil companies version. . The oil
Proponents of ANWR oil drilling point to the fact that wildlife at nearby Prudhoe
Sep 1, 2011 . Recently a lobbying group took liberties with the facts on the current oil . noticed
Explore various angles of the Alaska oil drilling issue. . United States Geological
Feb 8, 2011 . Offshore Stats and Facts . of Mexico, Alaska and offshore California as shown in
Jul 25, 2008 . The facts about drilling in ANWR. www.lawofpolitics.com.
grizzly bear anatomy and physiology, interesting grizzly bear facts and . . Palin
May 29, 2008 . When the mainstream media takes up the causes of leftist politicians, a glut of
Top questions and answers about Oil Drilling in Alaska. Find 1910 questions and
Aug 25, 2011 . Recently, a lobbying group took liberties with the facts to sway you into giving
Edwards indeed: voted YES on removing consideration of drilling ANWR from . .
Mar 31, 2005 . An honest look at the facts surrounding ANWR drilling. For more than a century,
While the oil fields of Alaska may provide oil companies in the United States with
Oct 17, 2002 . Fact: The truth is that the latest U.S. Geological Survey estimates are that the
I don't recognize the place I know as Alaska when I listen to this rhetoric. Those of
Dec 16, 2005 . Drilling for oil in Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge makes so much sense,
The effects of oil drilling in Alaska are far-fetched and go beyond the
The bill allowed drilling in ANWR, but not without prior approval from Congress.
Dec 8, 2008 . Oil Drilling in Alaska: The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR). Facts About
Information regarding opening a portion of ANWR to responsible development. .
Alaska Oil ANWAR Map - Alaska - Anwar Oil Formation - Alaska Oil Field - Anwar
Jun 11, 2008 . We've done quite a lot of posts on this subject over the past few years -- and here
Mar 10, 2005 . During an appearance by Secretary of the Interior Gale Norton, a leading
Jan 7, 2012 . It would dramatically help the economy and the people of Alaska. The drilling and
Alaskan Oil Drilling Facts. Alaska's first oil well was drilled in 1902. In the years
The first major discovery of oil in Alaska was on the Kenai Peninsula at Swanson
Contrary to what many environmentalists say, developing ANWR will not harm
Aug 21, 2011 . Recently a lobbying group took liberties with the facts to sway you into . noticed
12 hours ago . anwr Facts about the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge The U.S. Department of .
Apr 25, 2011 . 92 Responses to EPA Blocks Oil Drilling in Alaska. Stirling, Pennsylvan says: .
By: Fauna Gille. When the mainstream media takes up the causes of leftist
Aug 14, 2008 . Drilling, in other words, will not spoil the richness and abundance of Alaska's
Nov 3, 2011 . Drilling in ANWR Will Not Solve Our National Energy Crisis . despite the fact that