Jan 25, 12
Other articles:
  • Aug 13, 2008 . The Obama administration has proposed opening huge areas off US coasts to
  • Currently, the United States consumes 19.6 million barrels per day, of oil, which
  • Feb 10, 2011 . A new drilling technique is opening up vast fields of previously out-of-reach oil in
  • Mar 14, 2011 . A solid majority of Americans -- 60% -- favor expanding offshore oil drilling in U.S.
  • Dec 15, 2010 . US oil crisis warrants drastic action and offshore oil drilling "An Outdated Ban".
  • Oct 18, 2011 . WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The government is doing what it can to ensure that the
  • This region of the United States is not only the most prolific in oil production, but
  • Many oil majors are lobbying U.S. congress in an effort to open .
  • Oct 27, 2011 . The Republicans for years have told the U.S. citizens that we need to drill for
  • Jan 11, 2012 . Plans for oil explorations off Cuba's coast have created US concerns.
  • 3452 Drilling Oil and Gas Wells Companies in the United States. Search or
  • Providing contract land drilling services to independent and major oil and gas .
  • These "splits" include the number of rigs drilling on land, in inland waters and
  • for the possibility that an oil or natural gas reservoir might cross the boundary.
  • 1 day ago . President Obama's critics say he has blocked domestic oil production. But under
  • U.S. lawmakers remain divided over changing liability rules for oil .
  • May 14, 2010 . Will increased oil drilling help the US solve its energy crisis? Read pros, cons,
  • Aug 27, 2011 . 1069: The number of rigs drilling for oil in the U.S. this week. . The figure reflects
  • The U.S. rotary rig count was up 31 at 2008 for the week of January 20, 2012. It is
  • Even if U.S. energy policy goes "drill baby drill," there will be no escape from the
  • Oct 4, 2011 . When it comes to Arctic oil drilling, all geopolitics are local . Now, the United
  • Dec 1, 2011 . Americans have signed millions of leases allowing oil and gas companies to drill
  • Sep 7, 2011 . With looser restrictions, the oil industry says it could deliver 1.4 million new jobs,
  • May 23, 2008 . Energy analysts say it would take 10 years for production to begin, and its impact
  • Apr 3, 2010 . President Obama's recent announcement to open Eastern coastal areas to
  • Dec 19, 2011 . NRDC: Drilling for oil in America's premier wildlife sanctuary would deface . The
  • Oil drilling a complex process that involves the drilling and pumping of oil from .
  • Mar 14, 2011 . More Americans are worried about energy costs and supportive of offshore oil
  • Mar 10, 2011 . It should be obvious that yet more drilling can't have any significant impact on oil
  • In 1992, oil ban repeal supporters pushed ANWR drilling legislation through the
  • I think the U.S. should drill for oil wherever it has it. We could drill for oil in ANWR,
  • Aug 29, 2011 . The U.S. oil industry is doing more drilling than it has since 1987. According to a
  • Feb 26, 2011 . NEW YORK - May we drill now, please?At this writing, circumstances in the
  • The well takes 18 months to drill. 1815, Oil is produced in United States as an
  • Drilling in the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic Ocean is subject to oil spills due to
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  • Apr 25, 2011 . Shell Oil Company has announced it must scrap efforts to drill for oil this summer
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  • May 14, 2011 . In at least a partial concession to his critics, President Obama announced several
  • Feb 2, 2011 . More oil drilling cannot meet our long-term energy needs either. The United
  • May 6, 2011 . WASHINGTON -- Republicans used the politically potent argument about the cost
  • Jan 9, 2012 . HAVANA — A U.S. inspection of a Chinese-made oil rig due to begin drilling in
  • Jul 28, 2011 . Drill, Bebé, Drill. Cuba is about to drill for offshore oil with “second-tier parts”
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  • Facts about the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge The U.S. Department of Energy
  • Oct 28, 2011 . Longtime U.S. Rep. Cliff Stearns, a proponent of increased oil and natural gas
  • Sep 8, 2010 . Ensign United States Drilling Inc. is the premier drilling contractor . We provide

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