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8 records . Search for SIB Resources. Advanced Search . keywords: protein domain,
SH3 — an abundant protein domain in search of a function. Andrea Musacchio
We present the outcome of a systematic analysis of protein domain shuffling in 17
domain search space to 9% without losing the potentiality of classification of
The database is accessible from the following web sites: .
. regions of proteins. DOMO - a database of homologous protein domain
Search our library of functionaly diagnostic profiles with a protein sequence. .
3Dee - Database of Protein Domain Definitions. [Search] [Help] [Barton Group].
We describe the Conserved Domain Search service (CD-Search), a web-based
Protein Domain Search. The ViPR team has used the InterProScan set of
databases allows us to find the domain protein composition [1]. V. Hernández et
Jul 1, 2004 . CD-Search: protein domain annotations on the fly. Marchler-Bauer A, Bryant SH.
A protein domain is a part of protein sequence and structure that can evolve, . ..
I would like to batch search them all to view if any of the variations is in an
Jun 19, 2008 . MEME & MAST (motif search and alignment) · Match-Box - multiple protein .
Jun 3, 2010 . search for a particular arrangement of domains. '>3IG FN3*TM' translates into '
Anti-OCIA Domain-Containing Protein 2 Antibodies - Antibody Search.
. postsynaptic density protein discs-large ZO-1 domain-containing protein
Online resources, services & software for anlyzing protein .
CD-Search is NCBI's interface to searching the Conserved Domain Database
Do a sequence search of InterPro, via InterProScan . ProDom protein domain
DNA-binding domain. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Jump to:
InterProScan is a piece of software that scans a range of protein signatures
Database of protein domains, families and functional sites . proteins.
Metabolic Pathways, Textpresso full text, Exact name search, EST or BAC end .
This brings the number of proteins to 509019 in Swiss-Prot and 9325547 in
Domain search is done using HMMER program and PFAM database. Given a
db of protein domain classification; is an automatic algorithm for domain
ProFAT is a tool that enables functional prediction of protein sequences . your
Anti-PKA (Protein Kinase A), catalytic domain (PKA-C) .
DomPred Protein Domain Prediction Server. Dompred is a server designed to
The identification of protein domains plays an important role in protein structure
Local PFAM Domain Search. Many proteins have a unique combination of
Aug 7, 2002 . The Conserved Domain Architecture Retrieval Tool (CDART) performs similarity
I wanted to screen a section of a mouse chromosome for a specific protein
Protein query sequence | Text term search in Entrez CDD | Protein → Conserved
Nucleic Acids Res.37(D)205-10. Marchler-Bauer A, Bryant SH (2004), "CD-
Domain Annotated Protein-protein Interaction . and search tool for comparing
The protein database in Normal SMART has significant redundancy, even though
Protein Domain Search. The ViPR team has used the InterProScan set of
Conserved Domain Search Results. 4 types of domain hits. Specific hits: domain-
Batch Web CD-Search Tool - The Batch CD-Search tool allows the computation
Pfam is a high-quality comprehensive collection of protein domain families. HMM
Jan 3, 2003 . Do CD Search: Checking this box will compare the query sequence with the
Search for information on protein domain family. Applications for protein
Sequence based characterization of DUF3233 as autotransporter β-domain
Protein Homology/analogY Recognition Engine . Please cite: Protein structure
This handy interface will help you to understand the evolution of function within
Apr 24, 2002 . Protein Sequence Homology Search and Analysis Tools . . SBASE - Database of