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Dec 5, 2011 . An official source for DoD and CJCS policy documents is the The Joint Doctrine
Provisions of the regulation and DODI 4000.19, Interservice and
Department of Defense INSTRUCTION NUMBER 4000.19 August 9, 1995 ASD(
Mar 20, 2008 . DoDI 4000.19 . added to FISMApedia. Retrieved from "http://www.fismapedia.
DODI 4000.19 of 9 Aug 95. 1. Policy. DODD 1000.17 establishes policy and
(1) DODI 4000.19, and other applicable directives, as well as the . FRW Member
dod instruction dodi 4000.19 navy guam Flights to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia,
Sep 10, 2010. and Sub-unified Commands (9 Feb 2011), DODI 4000.19, Interservice and
As referenced in DODI 4000.19, a support agreement is an agreement to provide
Defense Instruction (DoDI) 4000.19, Interservice and Intragovernmental Support,
Mar 28, 2011 . AR 37-49, Budgeting, Funding, and Reimbursement for Base Operations Support
References: (a) DoD Instruction 4000.19, "Interservice, Interdepartmental, and.
through support and interservice agreements in accordance with DoD Instruction
2.1. There are three types of support agreements: Intraservice governed by AFI
For DOD, the procedures are in DODI 4000.19, Interservice and
DoDI 4000.19 governs Interservice and Intragovern- mental Support. . Support
vice and Intragovernmental governed by DoDI 4000.19. For Air Force
(i) DODI 4000.19, “Interservice and Intragovernment. Support,” August 9, 1995. (j)
. Partnerships/MOUs – DoDI 4000.19; Other Transactions – 10USC 2371 . for
Aug 24, 2011 . DoDI 3020.41, Contractor Personnel Authorized to Accompany the U.S. Armed
(c) A SA, pursuant to DoDI 4000.19, when obtaining recurring supplies or
(yx) DoD Instruction 4000.19, “Interservice and Intragovernmental Support,”
DoDI 4000.19, Interservice, Interdepartmental and Interagency Support, provides
Standards for the Federal Government," July 31,. MARADMIN 320-O3.
DOD entersinto this MOU under the authority of DOD Instruction 4000.19 “Inter-.
Military Departments in accordance with DoD Instruction 4000.19 (Reference (hi)
This area deals with the financial manager's knowledge of the DoD Planning, .
TITLE: DoD Instruction 4000.19, "Interservice and Intragovernmental Support", 08
Department of Defense INSTRUCTION NUMBER 4000.19 August 9, 1995 ASD(
217.500 Scope of subpart. (a) Unless more specific statutory authority exists, the
DoDI 4000.19 dtd 9 Aug 95 . Services provided/received from non-DoD Federal
Sep 19, 1997 . 1-2. REFERENCES: a. DoD Instruction 4000.19, Interservice and
Aug 31, 2009 . DODI 4000.19 clearly treats interservice support much differently than
42, and the Department of Defense Instruction (DoDi) 4000.19, lnterservice and
Mar 19, 2008 . DODI 4000.19, paragraph 4.4, when discussing Intragovernmental support,
The authority for MSA is DoD Instruction 4000.19,. "Interservice and
DODI 4000.19, Aug. 9, 95. E2.1.10. Memorandum of Agreement (MOA).
NOTE: In accordance with DoDI 4000.19, paragraph 4.4,. “Intragovernmental
References: (a) DoDI 4000.19, “Interservice and Intragovernmental Support,”.
DoD Instruction 4000.19, “Interservice and Intragovernmental Support” and the
DoD Instruction 4000.19. – Implements provisions of the Economy Act within DoD
(b) DoD Instruction 4000.19, “Interservice and Intragovernmental Support,”.
DODI 4000.19 (http://www.dtic.mil/whs/directives/corres/pdf/400019p.pdf). · DoD
(d) DoD 6055.6-M Department of Defense Fire and Emergency Services
It also includes cost categories with list of specific support areas; DODI 4000.19,
through support and interservice agreements, in accordance with DoDI 4000.19 (
(g) DoD Instruction 4000.19, “Interservice and Intragovernmental Support,”
Oct 30, 2008 . DODI 4000.19.pdf Intraservice and Intragovernment Support. DODI 4140.62.pdf
United States (U.S.) citizen DOD civilian employees, to include both appropriated
memoranda of understanding or agreement negotiated between the DoD