Other articles:
May 30, 2006 . Hi , We have a windows 2003 Network with two DNS servers A/D integrated. All
May 23, 2006 – Event ID 11163 DnsApi Error. Troubleshooting a PC today, that
dnsapi 11163 error on XP machines Networking and the Internet with Windows
Event Source: DnsApi. Event Category: None Event ID: 11163. Date: 10/23/2006.
workstation error dnsapi event id 11163. dasko. seen this error usually in the
Results 1 - 11 . dnsapi 11163 Articles - dnsapi 11163 Information - Free dnsapi 11163 article -
Aug 12, 2010 . From the system log via DnsAPI Event Type: Warning Event Source: DnsApi
Nov 13, 2007 . ID: 11163. Source: DnsApi. Version: 6.0. Symbolic Name:
Aug 12, 2010 . workstation error dnsapi event id 11163 - windows-server-2003, dns, windows-xp
Event Source: DnsApi. Event Category: None Event ID: 11163. Date: 7/16/2007.
Situation: the PC is attempting to send information to the DNS server
Jun 24, 2009 . Associated Messages. The system failed to register host (A) resource records (
dnsapi 11163 error on XP machines. Getting this error on random XP machines.
Aug 14, 2008 . Event Type: Warning Event Source: DnsApi Event Category: None Event ID:
Jan 12, 2006 . Cannot resolve a DnsApi EventID-11163 to an unknown DNS S :
Source: DnsApi. Type: Warning. Description: The system failed to register host (A
Network Computers Getting this error on random XP machines. It causes the
Here are some sobering statistics: Over 99% of the people who book their travel
Source: DnsApi. Type: Warning. Description: The system failed to register host (A
Windows XP Help&Support, DnsApi 11163 . Windows XP Help&Support >> RE:
Hi Jeff, The issue may be caused by you have more network adapters on the
Jan 16, 2006 . the next 2-3 days to see if I can resolve this DNS error. . These external DNS
workstation error dnsapi event id 11163. 0. seen this error usually in the morning
Find images on 11163 DnsApi. . Results for 11163 DnsApi. 11163 DnsApi www.
Jan 6, 2007 . mantianince once a week. On my client computers on a Windows Small Business
Jan 12, 2006 . resolve it. . > The DHCP server and DNS server have both been checked. .
Find images on DnsApi 11163. . Results for DnsApi 11163. DnsApi 11163 www.
Jan 13, 2006 . These external DNS servers ARE required . > entries for our INTERNAL DNS
DnsApi 11163 Windows XP Help & Support. . RE: DnsApi 11163. Posted: 10-14
Windows XP Network >> dnsapi 11163 error on XP machines. by Falken GT4 »
Getting this error on random XP machines. It causes the machines to hang, but
I rebooted and found this warning in the system event viewer. Needless to say I
Jul 5, 2007 . DNSAPI 11163 errors. In event logs for some of your desktops you might see this
Sep 26, 2007 . DNSAPI 11163 Errors [2], MrxSmb 50 Errors. Back in July I wrote about these
Thanks, From the system log via DnsAPI. Event Type: Warning Event Source:
Jan 12, 2006 . Problem: I have received this error recently, and do not know how to resolve it.
I am receiving the following error on one of my XP Client Machines. I tried the
11163 DNSAPI - Page 2. , description, the eventlog messege 11163 All jan d
Source: DnsApi. Category:None Type:Warning EventID: 11163. The system
Event ID:11163 Source: DnsApi. The system . More info is here: http://hdsurvivor
Posted - 12/15/2005 : 1:04:33 PM Show Profile · Reply with Quote. Hi All, Wasnt
May 23, 2006 . Event ID 11163 DnsApi Error. Troubleshooting a PC today, that had numerous
Event Id, 11163. Source, DnsApi. Description, The system failed to register host (
Dnsapi 11163 - Page 2 | Dnsapi 11163 - Page 3 | Dnsapi 11163 - Page 4 |
Event ID 11163. Source DnsApi. The system failed to register host (A) resource
The DNS server points to itself, and the DHCP server entries contain the entries
11163(DnsApi). Client try to contact a DNS server that not exist(
Here are some sobering statistics: Over 99% of the people who book their travel
It could since it is part of windows operating system. Read here for a possible fix.
Please look at the details of the eventlog messege below: Event Type: Warning