Apr 22, 12
Other articles:
  • DNA profiling uses repetitive ("repeat") sequences that are highly variable, . Dr.
  • The DNA fingerprinting technique is used with traditional genetic analysis of
  • international cocoa germplasm collections. DNA fingerprinting, a tool that has
  • On the other hand, in 1989 DNA fingerprinting was used for the first time to prove
  • Originally known as "DNA fingerprinting," this type of analysis is now called .
  • The DNA fingerprinting unlike the usual fingerprinting which is based on the .
  • The term "DNA fingerprinting" was coined to allude to the traditional use of
  • Though DNA fingerprinting is now nearly universally accepted in legal
  • Feb 5, 2010 . It took a long time for courts to admit the evidence of DNA experts, the science not
  • DNA fingerprints are often used as evidence in criminal law cases. . DNA
  • Hematologists, oncologists and other pathologists all use DNA testing as a basis
  • Repetitive-Sequence-PCR-Based DNA Fingerprinting Using the DiversiLab
  • Using DNA fingerprinting techniques akin to those used to solve crimes and
  • Jun 3, 2011 . It can be used to track down suspects, test the parentage of children, and to
  • You might have heard of the use of DNA fingerprinting to identify criminals, test
  • In fact a system with these characteristics --DNA "fingerprinting" --is now
  • May 12, 2004 . In terms of where we came from, DNA fingerprinting is commonly used to probe
  • DNA fingerprinting is mainly used in criminal and genetic cases. Every person
  • DNA fingerprinting is used in a variety of applications all over the world. They .
  • Jun 1, 2011 . And that's what makes DNA fingerprinting possible. Experts can use DNA
  • So we all got together and we started all literally drawing up a list of things that
  • Mar 6, 2009 . Can DNA fingerprinting with the help of restriction enzymes help solve . So how
  • The pattern of these ridges varies from person to person and is so distinctive that
  • There are several uses for DNA fingerprinting. It is not just used for personal
  • Jun 14, 2006 . But the technique has extensive uses that go far beyond forensic science. You
  • May 3, 2011 . It's these highly variable sections that are used for DNA fingerprinting because
  • Application of DNA Fingerprinting It is currently employed in paternity disputes.
  • Oct 21, 2011 . The following article will give some of the information about DNA fingerprinting
  • DNA Finger printing uses the sense behind science .Scientists call it a brave art –
  • Mar 5, 2012 . DNA fingerprinting is currently used both for identifying paternity or maternity and
  • Jan 9, 2010 . What are some DNA fingerprinting uses? We've seen how DNA fingerprinting
  • Sep 26, 2003 . Students learn how DNA fingerprinting has been used in criminal investigations
  • There are many known uses of DNA fingerprinting, and without this process
  • Top questions and answers about DNA Fingerprinting Uses. Find 3290 questions
  • . on the structure and function of DNA as it relates to DNA fingerprinting. .
  • PCR is a type of DNA fingerprinting which uses a certain technique to copy a
  • Like the fingerprints that came into use by detectives and police labs during the
  • DNA fingerprinting is a technique that is used to identify patterns that occur in
  • Dr. Jeffreys used his discovery for human identification testing. In 1988, the courts
  • DNA fingerprints are useful in several areas of society. They are used by
  • The fungal DNA was amplified using a DiversiLab Mould Kit (Spectral Genomics,
  • The DNA fingerprint is used in many fields. DNA fingerprints are commonly used
  • The oldest method used in DNA fingerprinting studies is restriction fragment
  • Like the fingerprints that came into use by detectives and police labs during the
  • DNA Fingerprinting, Genetics and Crime: DNA Testing and the Courtroom .
  • The notion of using DNA fingerprints as a sort of genetic bar code to identify
  • In the criminal justice system, DNA fingerprinting has been used with a degree of
  • DNA fingerprinting is a test to identify and evaluate the genetic information, . The
  • Mar 29, 2011 . DNA fingerprinting is done to: Determine who a person's parents or siblings are.
  • Sep 29, 2009 . DNA fingerprinting is widely used in law enforcement, both the United States and

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