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ditto - as already stated; likewise. It means I think or feel the same (as you). dido -
Describe.Deliver.Deposit.Ditto. Hours: Monday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Tuesday 9:00
"Ditto " (meaning to repeat. ) in Sugar Land, TX 77479. Find business information
Business Listing Information for "ditto " (meaning To Repeat. ) in Sugar Land, TX
Define ditto in American English. What is ditto? ditto meaning, synonyms, audio
Definition of ditto with German, Dutch, French, Italian, and Spanish translations
meaning of ditto - a mark used to indicate the word above it . www.beedictionary.com/meaning/ditto - CachedWhat does ditto mean? definition, meaning and pronunciation (Free . Definition of ditto in the AudioEnglish.net Dictionary. Meaning of ditto. What does
Download free pdf files and documents about Ditto Meaning or preview the files
DITTO: Review the definition, meaning, pronunciation, explanation, synonyms,
Synonyms for ditto at Thesaurus.com with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and
ditto definition, meaning, English dictionary, synonym, see also 'dittographic','
back at ya . uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid. - Cached - SimilarUrban Dictionary: dittoDitto. it seems nobody got the real source yet: 'Ditto' comes from Latin, and
Answer of: what is meaning of vah vahi/meaning-of-vah vahi/meaning-of-DITTO
ditto n. , pl. , -tos . The same as stated above or before. A duplicate; a copy. A pair
Download free ppt files and documents about Ditto Meaning or preview the files
ditto noun - definition, audio pronunciation, synonyms and more for ditto noun: a
Ditto definition, definition of ditto, Anagrams of ditto, words that start with Ditto,
▶noun. 1 the same thing again (used in lists and often indicated by a ditto mark).
Anyone who has seen the movie "Ghost" remembers Patrick Swayze's character,
Define ditto. What is ditto? ditto meaning, synonyms and audio pronunciation and
Define ditto. What is ditto? ditto meaning and more by Macmillan Dictionary.www.macmillandictionary.com/dictionary/british/ditto - Cachedditto definition | English dictionary for learners | Reverso Collinsditto meaning, definition, English dictionary, synonym, see also 'System.
"ditto " (meaning To Repeat. ) in Sugar Land, TX. Find "ditto " (meaning To
DITTO. Definition: [noun] a mark used to indicate the word above it should be
I want to know the meaning of that word. thank you :)www.italki.com/groups/1804/topic/36939.htm - CachedDitto mark - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaThe word ditto comes from the Tuscan language, where it is the past participle of
What is "DITTO"? DITTO means "The same or me too or I agree". DITTO is
Apr 4, 2009 . It had been borrowed from the Tuscan dialect, in which ditto was a variant of detto
1. The same as stated above or before. 2. A duplicate; a copy. 3. A pair of small
Ditto Meaning and Definition. (adv.) As before, or aforesaid; in the same manner
Ditto definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with pronunciation,
While the term may have originated by Limbaugh encouraging people who
Top questions and answers about Ditto Meaning. Find 95 questions and answers
ditto. Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary. Jump to: navigation, search .
This Slang page is designed to explain what the meaning of ditto is. The slang
An abbreviation of the Latin ibidem, meaning "in the same place; in the same
Well, Ditto can't breed with Ditto, so.. Ditto can't breed with other Ditto. I think you
"Ditto " (meaning to repeat. ) in Sugar Land, TX - Find Sugar Land, TX, Texas -
ditto: Definition and Pronunciation. . 1. to make a copy of, using a Ditto machine.
This Internet Slang page is designed to explain what the meaning of DITTO is.
Example sentences with the word ditto. ditto example sentences. . Then
Get Maps, Driving Directions, Phone #, Reviews, for "Ditto " (meaning to repeat. )
What is a ditto, definition of ditto, meaning of ditto, ditto anagrams, ditto synonyms
Ditto meaning Free Download,Ditto meaning Software Collection Download.www.brothersoft.com/downloads/ditto-meaning.html - Cachedditto meaning apps AndroidApps for ditto meaning best Android apps apps ,Dash&Ditto`s . androidapp.lisisoft.com/android-apps/ditto-meaning.html - CachedMilagros Stough: Ditto meaning for a family relative?Jan 13, 2012 . Ditto meaning for a family relative? what does ditto mean when you use it in the
Answer. Ditto is slang for me too or the same as to what the other person has said
a thing mentioned previously or above —used to avoid repeating a word —often