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The average distance to the Moon is 382500 km. The distance . which the Moon
Mar 26, 1998 . A quarter spans one degree at a distance of 1.5 meters. The Sun and Moon span
Distances (in meters) . altitude 3.2×106 Length of the Great Wall of China 6.3×
The distance between the centers of the Earth and moon is denoted as R. The
A relatively accurate image of the Earth and the Moon, by Drew Olbrich. . The
Apr 26, 2011 . Perigee is the total distance between the Earth and moon 363300 km even if you
Depth is surely visible between objects several hundred meters away from a
The Moon's current orbital distance, about thirty times the diameter of the Earth . .
May 16, 2000 . Average distance to the moon: 384400 km. http://www.madsci.org/posts/archives/
of diameter moon of. Diameter. ×. = • The distance to the moon is 384400 km .
If you're measuring the center-to-center distance from the Earth to the Moon, the
Nov 10, 2007 . Distance between Earth and Sun, 150 000 000 km, 93 000 000 miles. Distance
The distance between Earth and its moon is 384000000 meters. Express this in
numbers” for the distance from the Earth to the Moon. The following
384000 km. ● Sun: Diameter = 870000 miles, distance = 94 million miles. ● Use
I'm not sure if I should use the mass of the sun/moon also or just the earth's mass.
Mar 11, 2011 . This barely changes depending on where you live (radius of Earth, 6000km,
So essentially, they measure the distance to the moon in fractions of a light-
What is the distance from the moon to the earth in meters? The distance between
This is much less than the distance to the Moon (approximately 384000 km) so
Earth to Moon distance - 4 × 108 m, "Four ee Eight" (+4% "up by four percent", ±<
Oct 10, 2008 . The average distance from the centre of the Earth to the center of the Moon is
May 10, 2011 . By Comparison: 0.00257 x Earth's Distance from the Sun . . the extreme ranges
3) The Moon has an angular size of 30 minutes and its distance from the Earth is
Distance Chart. 1 meter = 3.281 feet 1 mile = 1609 meters .
Oct 10, 2007 . Distance that the Moon falls towards Earth in 1 second: xmoon = 0.00136 meters;
So now we know that the center to center distance is 3(6.38x106 m) . . Now, for
The average distance from Earth to the Moon is 384400 kilometers (238855 mi).
Feb 6, 2010 . The Earth has only one natural satellite in the form of the Moon. The distance
Feb 24, 2011 . On average the moon is 380000 km (235000 miles) from the Earth, a distance of
Earth interacts with other objects in space, especially the Sun and the Moon. . .
How many meters is it from the moon to earth? Improve. In: Planet . How many
The moon is on average 238857 miles away. The average centre-to-centre
ESTIMATING ANGULAR DISTANCE. Penny, 4 km distant . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
The distance to the Moon can be determined without ever leaving the Earth.
The Earth-moon distance is about 250000 miles (actually 239000 miles). . After
The moon is our closest neighbor in space, and yet even its distance and size .
The Moon/Earth mass ratio is 1/80, also unprecedented in the Solar System. The
Feb 18, 2003 . Earth and Moon to Scale. 1 pixel = 600 kilometers. The average distance
Pacific Grove: CA: Thomson Brooks/Cole, 2003. Average Earth-Moon distance:
In this problem, D = (384000 km)(1000 m / 1 km) = 3.84 X 108 m, the distance
Oct 10, 2011 . Since the moon's orbit is elliptical (oval-shaped), its distance varies from about
The earth orbits the sun in an elliptical orbit and the moon orbits the earth with the
The average distance between the Earth and the moon is about 240000 miles.
Aug 23, 2009 . The average distance from Earth to Moon is 384403 km (238857 miles). Before
Mar 15, 2011 . Date Time Distance Moon Phase Year Mar 8 8:36 356529 km ++ F- 1h 1993. Jan
25000 / 3.14 = 8000 miles. But wait! There's more! How about the diameter of the
Europa (moon of Jupiter). Discovered by: Galileo Galilei, 1610. Distance from the
Average Distance from the Earth to the Sun: 93020000 miles (149669180 km).
The Earth's diameter is about 12750 km, and the distance from the Earth to the