Other articles:
Jan 22, 2008 . Last January, I tallied my discretionary spending to see exactly how . .. When I
Jan 19, 2012 . *“Discretionary spending” is defined as regular spending that is not a required
Discretionary spending is what the President and the Congress decide to spend
Jan 12, 2010 . (Kris and I paid for our 2010 vacations in 2009, for example.) . . My 2008
closer to desired profit levels. However, adjusting discretionary spending in the
Apr 13, 2011 . discretionary spending. Any cap on non-security discretionary spending, for
Jan 25, 2010 . I'm not opposed to a discretionary spending freeze in the slightest, but from a . .
Jun 21, 2011 . This type of gift money is set aside for "discretionary" purposes. Examples of
Aug 1, 2011 . We all know, however, that non discretionary spending is the problem. . ..
Discretionary Spend Index from Dataman Group, your course for mailing lists of .
Interest on national debt (80%) created by military spending, $390 billion . . The
Jan 19, 2012 . *“Discretionary spending” is defined as regular spending that is not a required
Dec 7, 2008 . Non-discretionary spending is spending that's required by law -- Congress would
Where can you eliminate or reduce discretionary spending to help meet your
Example Sentences. The president has proposed a five-year freeze of
Jun 25, 2011 . Leonhardt argued that cuts in discretionary spending – “the roughly 35 .
Oct 26, 2011 . path of discretionary spending, for example, by changing the caps. Alternatively,
Mar 7, 2012 . Examples: A large part of discretionary fiscal policy is the defense budget. This is
Definition of a discretionary expense or spending, used for personal . For
The military and education programs are examples of discretionary spending.
This in turn impacts business discretionary spending. For example, businesses
This spending is optional, though it includes very important functions of
Top questions and answers about Discretionary Spending Examples. Find 172
Dec 15, 2011 . What are examples of discretionary and mandatory spending? ChaCha Answer:
Mar 8, 2011 . For example, “Science, Space, & Technology” includes programs at the .
For example, the Postal Service and Federal Housing Administration loans, .
The examples and perspective in this article may not represent a worldwide view
Discretionary spending is an important part of a healthy economy - people will
Examples of discretionary spending in the United States:-defense budget-
Discretionary spending is what the president and Congress must decide to spend
Nov 17, 2010 . Consumers continue to defer discretionary spending, but more affluent . For
Examples of discretionary spending in the United States: -defense budget -
Aug 3, 2011 . As far as other examples, "discretionary" is often used in the context of money,
Try these links to search for examples with "discretionary spending". Tanaka
"Discretionary spending is what the President and the Congress decide to spend
Mar 1, 2011 . Discretionary spending is the money Congress appropriates every year.
Mar 12, 2007 . For example a provision that requires $1 trillion to be cut from discretionary
Jan 25, 2011 . If spread over an entire year's worth of discretionary spending, . Below are some
Mar 24, 2010 . Interactive: What Is Non-Defense Discretionary Spending? . The National
Feb 14, 2011 . There is a real need to minimize KTLO to free up cash for discretionary spending
3.1 Discretionary spending; 3.2 Mandatory spending . . For example, the
Other definitions of essential spending would yield different estimates. Traditional
What is an example of discretionary spending? VACATION Read More ». Source:
Discretionary spending is what the President and the Congress decide to spend
"Discretionary spending is what the President and the Congress .
Jul 12, 2008 . The border fence is a good example of discretionary spending. Congress can “
Minimize discretionary spending and you'll accumulate wealth much faster than
"Discretionary spending is what the President and the Congress decide to spend
This is an example of a company, which realizes that discretionary spending is a
Vocabulary words for Economics Chapter 14 . Includes studying .