May 16, 12
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  • Below aremineral composition of hornblende diorite Expected to mineral table
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  • Make research projects and school reports about Diorite easy with credible
  • For the latter mineral, the ratio Na : Ca basically differentiates diorite from gabbro.
  • Rock Name: Diorite Mineral Composition: Plaioclase feldspar 65% Amphibole 25
  • The chemical and mineral composition are as follows : Chemical and mineral
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  • INrnolucrroN. Coarsely crystalline hornblende is the principal dark mineral in a
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  • Term first used by the mineralogist Haiiy. Mineral Composition. — The essential
  • 1. obsidian. 2. pumice. 3. rhyolite. 4.andesite. 5. basalt. 6. granite. 7. diorite .
  • a. have a similar mineral composition . d. diorite. 10. Select the coarse-grained
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  • Rock Name: Diorite Mineral Composition: Plaioclase feldspar 65% Amphibole 25
  • ORBICULAR GABBRO-DIORITE. The field relations between, and the mineral
  • Diorite is an intrusive rock intermediate in composition between gabbro and
  • Mineral composition of rocks analyzed. Rock. Locality. Andesite (P. U. 877)
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  • Felsic igneous rock with exact same composition of granite, just tiny crystals.
  • A worldwide average of the chemical composition of granite, by weight percent: .
  • The difference is not in mineralogy but in texture. Andesite is extrusive rock,
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  • Diorite: Diorite has the same texture as granite but has the mineral composition of
  • magmatic rock of paleotype habit, similar to basalt chemically and in its mineral
  • Compare the mineral composition of diorite with the mineral composition of
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