Other articles:
www.jesus-is-lord.com/nivdelet.htmCachedSimilarI did look in the other NIV's to see if they did the same thing. . They are willing to
www.mardel.com/bible-translation-guide.aspxCachedSimilarCompare different Bible translations side-by-side with this chart. . A thorough,
biblestudysite.com/adulter.htmCachedSimilarThe same goes for the other newer Bible versions.
www.apbrown2.net/web/TranslationComparisonChart.htmCachedSimilarNASB New American Standard Bible (1971; update 1995). AMP Amplified .
av1611.com/kjbp/charts/various.htmlCachedSimilarSome people have objected to me comparing the NWT with the NIV and NASB. .
christianitybeliefs.org/the-most-accurate-bible-translation-comparison-and- deception/CachedSimilarand to cause unbelievers to dismiss the Bible as the authoritative Word of God.
www.barnesandnoble.com/w/. bible. edition. /1114918452?ean. CachedSimilarComparative Study Bible: New International Version, Amplified, King James . .
www.biblica.com/en-us/the-niv-bible/CachedSimilarThe NIV by Biblica is the world's most widely read Bible translation. More > . . Be
www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2011/. /bible-translation-battles.htmlCachedSimilarSep 2, 2011 . Battle for the Bible Translation . for publishing the 2011 New International
www.amazon.com/The-Holy-Bible. Version/dp/0061042579CachedSimilarThe Holy Bible in the New International Version (NIV) by The Zondervan . It is
www.swapmeetdave.com/Bible/BibleType.htmCachedSimilarCompares different Bible translations (NLT, ESV, GNB, NIV, King James, NASB,
www.christianpost.com/. /latest-niv-bible-translation-clearer-on-homosexual- sins-says-theologian-66393/CachedSimilarJan 4, 2012 . The latest version of the popular NIV Bible translation has had its verses . still
www.gotquestions.org/Bible-translations.htmlCachedSimilarIs there any good reason for dozens of English Bible translations? . It is a
usatoday30.usatoday.com/news/. /2009-09-01-bible-translation_N.htmCachedSimilarSep 1, 2009 . A copy of the King James Version of the Bible. In 1611 it . This Bible had a
blog.chron.com/. /houston-church-drops-updated-niv-bible-over-accuracy- concerns/CachedSimilarJan 9, 2012 . The most recent edition of the NIV Bible. . use the older NIV and does not
christianity.stackexchange.com/. /are-catholics-allowed-to-read-the-niv- translationCachedSimilarOct 20, 2011 . My thoughts are that the Catholic Bible includes books that are not part . So, do
www.christianlibrary.org/authors/Butch_Walker/. /theEvilNIV.htmlCachedNOTE: The New International Version (NIV) is not a Bible. . The church fights
www.bloomingdalebiblechurch.net/. / List%20of%20Bible%20verses%20totally%20omitted.htmlCachedSimilarPhrases that are present in the KJV but absent in modern translations(NIV, . and
carm.org/how-should-choose-bible-versionCachedSimilarMany people today think that a faithful translation of the Bible means a . But the
https://www.biblegateway.com/versions/New-International-Version-NIV- Bible/CachedPerhaps no other translation has undergone a more thorough process of review
www.av1611.org/niv.htmlCachedSimilarA perfect definition of The New International Version (NIV): "to cause to turn aside
www.bible-researcher.com/niv.2011.htmlCachedSimilarReview of the 2011 New International Version. . And the few changes that do
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_International_VersionCachedSimilarOther names, Nueva Versión Internacional (Spanish) . The New International
www.anointedlinks.com/why_niv.htmlCachedSimilarLet me set the record straight – the KJV is like every other version of the Bible,
thecripplegate.com/farewell-niv/CachedSimilarSep 4, 2013 . The stat that Zondervan gives is that 95% of the Bible remains unchanged. .
www.chick.com/information/bibleversions/comparison.aspCachedSimilarA small sampling of verse comparisions between the KJV and NIV. . of Bible
www.godonthe.net/evidence/versions.htmCachedSimilarThis page discusses different English-language translations of the Bible. . the
www.bible.ca/b-many-versions.htmCachedSimilarWhen people hear there are over 50 different versions of the Bible in English
hbl.gcc.libguides.com/content.php?pid=230450&sid=1913938SimilarHowever, the titles of individual published editions of the Bible are italicized. .
www.biblicalresearchreports.com/nivreport.phpCachedSimilarGod tells us that the Bible is pure, is truth, and words are not to be added to or
www.biblestudytools.com/niv/CachedSimilarAny commentary or other Biblical reference work produced for commercial sale
www.adventist.org/spirituality/bible. /choosing-a-bible-translation/CachedSimilarHowever, if Bible translation is just a matter of converting ancient languages into
https://www.bible.com/versions/111CachedSimilarNew International Version (NIV) . We're the worldwide publisher and translation
https://bible.org/article/net-niv-esv-brief-historical-comparisonCachedSimilarSep 9, 2008 . What I need to know is which version, the NIV or the ESV, has the best . those
www.familychristian.com/bibles.htmlCachedSimilarKing James KJV, English Standard ESV, NASB bible, New International NIV, NLT
https://www.blueletterbible.org/versions.cfmCachedDepending on which version one is accustomed to, it may appear as if other . .. A
www.theblaze.com/. /new-politically-correct-bible-translation-causes-stir- with-conservative-christians/CachedSimilarMar 18, 2011 . In other cases, the text supplements “whoever” for “he. . The NIV Bible's
https://play.google.com/. /details?id=bibleniv.bible.niv.holybible. CachedSimilar Rating: 4.5 - 159 votes - FreeThe Holy Bible, New International Version with the Old Testament and New
https://godwordsecret.com/free-ebooks/free-download-niv-bible/CachedSimilarJan 31, 2014 . The New International Version (NIV) is another translation of the Bible in English.
www.answers.com/Q/How_many_words_in_NIV_BibleCachedNIV stands for New International Version, and the NIV is a very high quality
www.jesus-is-savior.com/Bible/NIV/niv_2011.htmCachedSimilarWhereas the original NIV departed from the King James Bible in 65,000 places,
www.kencollins.com/bible/bible-t2.htmCachedSimilarTranslations of the Bible Into English . Today's New International Version . The
rationalwiki.org/wiki/Guide_to_Bible_translationsCachedSimilarThe NIV was conceived as an evangelical reaction against . translations into
www.catholic.com/tracts/bible-translations-guideCachedSimilarAt Catholic Answers we are often asked which Bible version a person should
www.audio-bible.com/niv/CachedSimilarAudio Bible, The New International version New Testament is on-line. . If you
https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/niv-bible*/id481765599?mt=8CachedSimilar Rating: 4.5 - 71 votes - Free - iOSAug 14, 2014 . Description. Bible Reader featuring the NIV and dozens of other versions free
www.nowtheendbegins.com/pages/KJV/the-kjv-versus-the-niv.htmCachedSimilarNASB Bible Translator Says,'I'm In Trouble With The Lord.' . Things That Are
www.christianbook.com/page/bibles/translations/nivCachedSimilarNew International Version Bible, NIV. . NIV Largeprint, Reference Bible, Brown
www.goodreads.com/book/show/280111.Holy_BibleCachedSimilar Rating: 4.6 - 24,760 votesThe New International Version (NIV) is a completely original translation of the . ..