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Synonyms for apparatus at Thesaurus.com with free online thesaurus, antonyms,
Define apparatus. What is apparatus? apparatus meaning, synonyms and audio
Definition of apparatus from Merriam-Webster's Medical Dictionary with examples
▶noun (pl. apparatuses). 1 the technical equipment or machinery needed for a
apparatus / p r t s, re / n.[C;U] -uses or -us a device or group of devices (machines
The act of equipping or the state of being equipped. 2. Something with which a
The apparatus of an organization or system is its structure and method of
Literature is made upon any occasion that a challenge is put to the legal
Rig definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, .
Definition of apparatus : Your apparatus is the collective . www.vocabulary.com/dictionary/apparatusapparatus meaning - Bee English Dictionarymeaning of apparatus - equipment designed to serve a specific . www.beedictionary.com/meaning/apparatus - CachedDefinition of APPARATUS (Meaning of APPARATUS), a 9 Letter WordAPPARATUS: Review the definition, meaning, pronunciation, explanation,
Look up tackle at Dictionary.com: mid-13c., "apparatus, gear," from M.Du. or
apparatus /ap·pa·ra·tus/ (ap″ah-ră´tus) pl. appara´tus, apparatuses a number of
apparatus /ap·pa·ra·tus/ (ap″ah-ră´tus) pl. appara´tus, apparatuses a number of
If there was one egg in it there were nine, Torpedo-like, with shell of gritty leather,
critical apparatus - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and
Apparatus definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with pronunciation
Pronunciation of apparatus. How to say apparatus with audio by Macmillan
Look up harness at Dictionary.com: c.1300, "personal fighting equipment, body
A network of stacked membranous vesicles present in most living cells that
Golgi definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with pronunciation,
Comprehensive list of synonyms for apparatus, related words for apparatus and
We found 53 dictionaries with English definitions that include . afen.onelook.com/cgi-bin/cgiwrap/bware/afen.cgi?. apparatus. - CachedWhat is electrical or electrical apparatus exemption clause . Definition of electrical or electrical apparatus exemption clause: A clause that
Meaning of apparatus (noun) form plural: apparatuses device; system; machine;
noun. a collection of instruments, machines, tools, parts, or other equipment used
While completing completely useless TAKS packets in a chemistry pre-ap class,
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apparatus - Clear definition, audio pronunciation, synonyms and related words,
1 : a tool or piece of equipment used for specific activities [count] ▪ She fell off a
APPARATUS Defined Using a Free Online Dictionary.define.com/apparatus - Cachedapparatus - Definition, Dictionary, Synonyms, Thesaurus, ExamplesDictionary for apparatus : apparatus Definition,apparatus Synonyms,apparatus
Paraphernalia definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with . (
Apparatus criticus definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with dictionary.reference.com/browse/appar. Equipment | Define Equipment at Dictionary.comanything kept, furnished, or provided for a specific purpose. 2. the act of
Golgi body definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with
The well honed instrument of the Goat Peelers. Resembles somewhat in shape a
Definition of apparatus from the Longman Online Dictionary of Contemporary
ap·pa·rat·us audio ( p -r t s, -r t s) KEY NOUN: pl. apparatus or ap·pa·rat·us·es. An
noun. the variant readings, footnotes, etc found in a scholarly work or a critical
Define apparatus in American English. What is apparatus? apparatus meaning
equipment - Clear definition, audio pronunciation, synonyms and related words,
Synonyms for equipment at Thesaurus.com with free online thesaurus, antonyms,
apparatus - - traduction anglais-français. Forums pour discuter de apparatus, voir
An apparatus is a device or group of objects which is used for a specific purpose.
ap·pa·rat·us ( p -r t s, -r t s). n. pl. apparatus or ap·pa·rat·us·es. 1. a. An appliance
A large assemblage of shit located in the yard of someone suspected of being a
Collins Dictionary homepage link · Dictionaries . Browse the English-French
Literature is made upon any occasion that a challenge is put to the legal
Definition of ideological state apparatus – Our online dictionary has ideological