Oct 1, 14
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  • dictionary.reference.com/browse/queuer‎CachedSimilara braid of hair worn hanging down behind. 2. a file or line, especially of people
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  • www.yourdictionary.com/queuers‎Cachedqueuers definition: . . queuers. Noun. plural form of queuer. English Wiktionary.
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  • https://www.learnthat.org/dictionary/30643_queuer.html‎CachedQueuer definition, Noun- One that arranges or forms a waiting line especially of
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  • queuers.askdefinebeta.com/‎CachedAskDefine is an online English dictionary. It features auto completion of search
  • www.yourdictionary.com/queuer‎CachedNoun. (plural queuers). One who, or that which, queues; a person waiting in line.
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  • old.auroville.org/society/solark_seating.htm‎CachedWebster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary defines 'Queue' as 'a waiting line, esp
  • en.glosbe.com/en/ar/Queuers‎CachedQueuers translation in English-Arabic dictionary. . translation and definition "
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