Other articles:
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Stem Cells and Development covers: controversial issues on stem cell research;
Harald Stenmark's group has published an article in the August edition of "
Developmental Cell is a broad-spectrum journal that covers the fields of cell . in
For Authors; Journal Information; Change Journal. For Reviewers . Cell Impact
197 Records . Search Ranking by Journal · Common Ranking · Interesting .
Jun 23, 2009 . In ISI JCR 2008 Impact Factor report, the journal with the highest IF is definitely
Jun 25, 2008 . Cell is ranked cell biology's top research journal, according to new data . In the
Journals Ranked by Impact / Highlighted Journals. (from ISI's .
. has made Current Opinion in Genetics and Development one of the most
Jun 21, 2010 . New 2009 Impact Factors soar for newest Cell Press journals . 13.021 - boasting
We are pleased to bring you the latest Impact Factors from Elsevier's Cell &
Journal Impact Factor 2003 . DEV CELL, Developmental cell. 1534-5807 .
Jul 11, 2003 . Still other journals publish work from the members of their scientific society, such
ABOUT THIS JOURNAL. The Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology,
High Impact Journal = High Impact Ad: Impact Factor 13.892*5 yr Impact Factor
Journal » Developmental Cell. . Impact factor: 13.36. Description.
Trends in Biochemical Sciencesis the leading monthly review journal in
"G: Impact Factor of Journals in Which Awardees of NPGI Grants Published .
Cell Press is delighted to announce that Cell's 2010 impact factor increased to
Impact Factor 2006 = 2006 citations (in ISI journals) to GENETICS' articles
The latest Impact Factor figures for Elsevier's Cell & Developmental Biology and
Dec 2, 2011 . Cell Stem Cell is the official affiliated journal of the International Society for Stem
There are no journals matching your search terms. . Life Sciences - Cell Biology
Oct 5, 2006 . -2007 Journal Impact Factors of leading medical and science . Molecular Cell
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Jun 23, 2008 . This is a site to promote education and career development in biotechnology and
Nov 9, 2011 . Cell Biology Journals. Top ten cell biology journals, based on 2010 ISI impact
The Journal has a new focus on cellular reprogramming and contiues to publish
Buy Journal Citation Reports On Cd-rom - Science Ed Windows for Impact
Seminars in Cell and Developmental Biology is a review journal dedicated to .
The faculty in the Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology are actively engaged
Yes; for any journal to have an Impact Factor, however, it must be tracked by
Rank Impact Factor Immediacy Journal Title . 11 18.133 22.904 2.370
Jun 21, 2010 . The Impact Factor helps to evaluate a journal's relative importance, . Molecular
Jun 21, 2010 . New 2009 Impact Factors Soar For Newest Cell Press Journals. By News Staff |
Dec 13, 2011 . For Authors; Journal Information; Change Journal . The JCR impact factor .
Impact Factor: 13.946 5-Year Impact Factor: 14.240. Issues per year: 12. Tips
Edited by: Harukazu Nakamura. ISI Journal Citation Reports® Ranking: 2010:
[Archive] impact factor of developmental cell and eukaryotic cell? . To get the
Oct 15, 2008 . Name of the journal (58.286-1.110) 1 CLINICAL RESEARCH 58.286 2 . 54
DEVELOPMENTAL CELL Impact Factor. . Journal Abbreviation: DEV CELL.
Jul 14, 2007 . -2007 Journal Impact Factors of leading medical and science . PLOS Biology
Jun 23, 2009 . In the report released June 19, Cell's impact factor increased to 31.3 .
The tables include the top dozen journals (by impact factor) of research category;
Impact Factor: 1.060. 2010 ISI Journal Citation Reports® Rankings: 96/187 -
ISI Impact Factor: 6.144. Free after 6 months 1966-present. Title was 'Quarterly
Jun 29, 2011 . Whether it's the established, leading journals, or the youngest rising stars, . The
Journal of Cell Science covers the complete range of topics in cell biology and is