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DETECTOR EFFICIENCY FAQ. Amptek Inc. . . Why is the measured count rate
detector efficiency effects. We review the algorithms for crystal efficiency
Oct 31, 2002 . The meaning of "efficiency" simply rely on your definition with respect to your
comparison results in the relative detector efficiency for low X ray energies. The
For direct measurement, or measurement of a liquid sample, DE simply
Detection efficiency calculation for photons, electrons and positrons in a well
Jan 21, 2010 . Re: HPGe Detector Efficiency Calculation. This message : [ Message body ] [
Our calculation results are compared with previous ones. The neutron efficiency
Units for detector efficiency calculation are determined by measuring detection
Calculation of the detector FEP efficiency. To result in a count in the FEP peak:
(2010) Cabal et al. Applied radiation and isotopes including data instrumentation
HPGe detector photopeak efficiency calculation including self-absorption and
Jun 15, 2008 . Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Moskawa matrix; Monte Carlo simulations; Geant4 efficiency
C Write (7,1) 1 format (' XEDS Detector Efficiency Calculation',/, c '---------------------
Calculation of the energy absorption efficiency function of selected detector
Monte Carlo calculation of detector efficiency. GESPECOR and GEANT. O. Sima
Apr 9, 1998 . The detection efficiency of a single counter or of a complex detector can be
core of detector crystal) on the photopeak detection efficiency in a liquid . and
The detector counting efficiency (DE) relates the amount . DE = the detector
Key words: HPGe detector, Radioactive sources, Efficiency calculation.
The results obtained by calculation agree very well with the experimental ones
Feb 21, 2006 . Calculation of summing correction for 27Al(p, γ)28Si . . . . . . . . . 30. Comparison of
Detector Counting. Efficiency. > Photopeak Efficiency of Various Scintillation . .
Aug 7, 2001 . Total and full-energy peak efficiencies, coincidence correction factors and the
New feature: new output scheme for detector efficiency calculation. • Manual and
Abstract. Numerical calculations of the energy dependent efficiency of two types
This approach ensures accurate determination of the thickness of each
Lippert, JE 1983, 'Detector-Efficiency Calculation Based on Point-Source
A precise model of a 40% relative efficiency p-type HPGe detector was created
Feb 15, 2006 . The calculation to determine the counting efficiency for the 99mTc . that you are
Detector Efficiency. The detector efficiency depends upon: the type of detector (
Detector Efficiency. Detector efficiency is defined as the percentage of ionizing
Mar 29, 2006 . A precise model of a 40% relative efficiency p-type HPGe detector was created
(2001) Abbas. Applied radiation and isotopes including data instrumentation and
Direct mathematical methods to calculate total and full-energy peak (photopeak)
method of efficiency calculation and coincidence- summing correction of a
The source-detector geometry for bulky source efficiency calculation is shown in
A gamma spectroscopy system consists of a detector, electronics to collect and .
experimental (producing one kind or another of reference efficiency characteristic
HPGe detector photopeak efficiency calculation including self-absorption and
(of a particular energy) detected during a specific time interval, the efficiency ε
As a sample efficiency calculation neglecting source-detector geometry, we
AbstractID: 3122 Title: Quantum efficiency of an MCP detector: Monte Carlo
a bare-surface detector at different off-axis distances is adapted from the
Gamma ray spectroscopy: Germanium detector efficiency calibration. . You will
[1,2] have shown that the peak shape and efficiency change with position of the .
HPGe Detector Energy Response Function Calculation Up to 400 keV Based .
5, OCTOBER 2005. 1257. Quantum Efficiency of the MCP Detector: Monte. Carlo
Calculation of the Energy Dependence of Dosimeter Response to Ionizing
transfer a Ge detector efficiency calibration from point source geometry to other