Other articles:
Dec 16, 2009 . DENNIS KUCINICH UFO Sighting Presidential Debate.
Mar 26, 2011 . Dennis Kucinich who is known for admitting he has had alien UFO contact during
Oct 31, 2007 . Dennis Kucinich whether he'd seen a UFO: Here's a transcript of their exchange:
Oct 30, 2007 . "Now,'' Kucininch was asked, "did you see a UFO?''' "I did,'' Kucinich . . My ideal
Jan 2, 2008 . Since Shirley MacLaine revealed that Dennis Kucinich had seen a UFO, the
A funny cartoon about Dennis Kucinich's UFO sighting and his presidential
Jan 22, 2010 . But this one may be the week's topper: Rep Dennis Kucinich (D-UFO) sounding
Oct 31, 2007 . Dennis Kucinich confirmed at Tuesday night's debate that yes, he has, in fact,
Jan 2, 2008 . Dennis Kucinich Ufo Returns. Get Politics Alerts. Sign Up. Submit this story. digg
Mar 18, 2012 . Former democratic presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich has seen a UFO,
Mar 5, 2012 . But if today marks the end of Kucinich's political career, no one can claim it was a
Oct 2, 2011 . by Vincent J. Brown The Dennis Kucinich Incident: UFO Encounters By
Oct 31, 2007 . Dennis Kucinich amuses Sen. Barack Obama during . "I did,''' Kucinich said to
May 3, 2011 . Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) may return to the scene of his famed UFO encounter in
Nov 8, 2007 . Actress Shirley MacLaine is delighted that her "her close friend" Dennis Kucinich
Dennis Kucinich, has always been a darling of the UFO community. He has been
Nov 11, 2007 . Dennis Kucinich UFO debateClick here to watch video - 02:07Dennis Kucinich
Sep 19, 2011 . As far as I know, Dennis Kucinich never reported his UFO sighting to the
Nov 16, 2007 . Dennis Kucinich - Shirley MacLaine UFO's At Democratic Debate Follow-up.
Nov 5, 2007 . Dennis Kucinich Presidential Nominee UFO Triangular Craft Awesome or Off-
Oct 31, 2007 . Dennis Kucinich whether he'd seen a UFO. Here's a transcript and YouTube
Check out the latest dennis kucinich ufo during the debate videos and other
Main article: Mayoral administration of Dennis Kucinich . .. in which the author
May 25, 2011 . Congressman who saw UFO in Washington is moving back to run for congress.
Apr 21, 2011 . Tagged: aliens, bill wickersham, capitol hill, cometa report, congress,
Oct 31, 2007 . The truth is out there, and Rep. Dennis Kucinich, D-Ohio, had no trouble
Dennis Kucinich who is known for admitting he has had alien UFO contact during
Nov 1, 2007 . Did Dennis Kucinich see a UFO? He says yes! Does that make him a crackpot?
Aug 26, 2008 . Dennis Kucinich's UFO sighting Already an outside candidate, Rep. Dennis
Oct 31, 2007 . Perhaps Democratic presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich is courting their
[Archive] Dennis Kucinich UFO sighting Alien-Ufo's forum.
Mar 26, 2011 . Dennis Kucinich who is known for admitting he has had alien UFO contact during
Oct 22, 2007 . Democratic presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich has seen a UFO, writes
Oct 23, 2007 . Kucinich had a UFO encounter in Washington state, according to MacLaine ·
Oct 23, 2007 . Democratic presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich has seen a UFO, writes
Jan 4, 2008 . Dennis Kucinich has taken a lot of flack for saying that he once saw an
Dennis Kucinich, Bill Richardson & UFOs: The 'other' Alien Question in the 2008
DENNIS KUCINICH UFO Sighting Presenditial Debate http://www.youtube.com/
Oct 31, 2007 . Dennis Kucinich was in the news this week when a close encounter he had with
Mar 13, 2012 . Elizabeth Kucinich on her husband's Dennis Kucinich UFO experience and ET
Oct 31, 2007 . The trouble begins… now! Does John's My Word make your blood boil? Click