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If the tax deduction is less than the financial statement compensation expense,
Deferred tax assets may arise in various situations including charges that are
Deferred charges may include professional fees and the amortization cost (lose
Jul 12, 2009 . Considered investment of fixed assets, expenses and deferred charges. Fixed
Rule 12b-1 authorizes mutual funds to use their assets to pay for marketing and
Potential earnings accumulate on a tax-deferred basis within the coverage Tax-
Aug 2, 2007 . However, the Company Act, which was enacted in May 2006, states that deferred
Oct 4, 2010 . Other examples of deferred costs are: Interest cost that is capitalized as part of a
Other Assets, 4992000, 4281000, 3556000, 3440000. Deferred Long Term Asset
I assume that the term deferred asset refers to a deferred charge or a deferred
Sub-section: Prepaid Assets and Deferred Charges. Effective Date: 07/01/1999.
Aug 8, 2007 . The category "Deferred Sales Charge (Load)" in the fee table refers to a .
the product. Banks are permitted to report net deferred tax charges as other
Deferred Long Term Asset Charges are expenses which the company has paid
The increase in other assets, prepaid expenses and deferred charges was
Definition of deferred charge: An expenditure that is considered an asset until it
Example: – $100 restructuring charge on accounting books; $0 restructuring on
A payment that is deferred for more than one year is often reported in the long-
Financial Accounting > Deferred Charges to Expense The items in this group are
As an auditor you have to pay attention to all of a company's assets . Prepaid
non-cash charge, it also recognizes a deferred tax asset to represent the future .
deferred charges. An accounting and tax concept in which nontangible costs that
Meaning of Deferred charge, deferred expense (balance sheet, asset account ),
Such costs are called Deferred Acquisition Expenses (DAE) and capitalization of
The Meaning of Deferred Expense, Prepaid Expense, and Deferred Charge .
Intangible assets do not have a physical substance but provide future economic
Apr 10, 2012 . The tax-related charge forced the Japanese electronics maker to slash its .
Shop for deferred long-term asset charges at Walmart.com and save.www.walmart.com/search/search-ng.do?. Deferred. Asset+Charges - CachedDeferred ChargesThis item contains a Combined Figure data code when the company combines
Deferred tax assets in relation to goodwill comprise the tax effects arising from
Definition of deferred charge from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary with .
A deferred income tax charge results in a future deductible amount (for tax
Deferred Charge - Definition of Deferred Charge on Investopedia - A prepaid
Contingent deferred sales charge (CDSC) The formal name for the load of a back
Deferred charges include start up costs, financing costs for long-term debt, costs
Deferred charges are classified as noncurrent assets because their life extends
Jul 10, 2007 . 7627 DEFERRED CHARGES AND OTHER ASSETS (Revised -6/05). ACCOUNT
Nov 7, 2007 . That means for a $1000000 deferred tax asset to be fully utilized, . It is possible
Deferred charge. An expenditure treated as an asset that carries forward until it
Deferred charges are classified as noncurrent assets because their life extends
The company has the following general ledger accounts that will be classified in
. the SUN 10-K filed Feb 24, 2010. 10. Deferred Charges and Other Assets.
Jan 3, 2006 . If the contribution of assets is less significant to the scheme, and the reduction in
Feb 26, 2007 . DEFERRED CHARGES AND OTHER ASSETS. “Deferred charges and other
Financial ratios are based on the total assets excluding deferred charges since
Deferred charges are expenses that are listed as assets until the goods or
On a balance sheet, deferred long term asset charges are used to spread out
This prepayment is a deferred cost that is recorded in the current asset .
Prepaid expenses • Deferred charges • Capitalized costs, assets • Insurance
tax will be charged in the future when the asset (or liability) is recovered (or