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Hi sir I have one coloumn in table where i have integer value in Decimal for
The SQL AVG() function returns the average value with default decimal places.
All Forums · SQL Server 2000 Forums · Transact-SQL (2000) Rounding decimal
In Oracle/PLSQL, the round function returns a number rounded to a certain
SELECT CONVERT(INTEGER,decimalColumn) From tableName . answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid. - Cached - SimilarSQL SUM calculation decimal??Single, "format" as standart and "Decimal Places" as 1. I entered some data into
Hey - I have a quick question and know that it is probably pretty simple, but I am
Sep 4, 2008 . I'm trying to determine the best way to truncate or drop extra decimal places in
Here is a few links to the SQL function documentation for the most popular .
Dec 17, 2009 . SQL Server forums: development, administration, security, performance tuning
no decimal places formatting in sql server 2005 . How can i format the Amount
Mar 1, 2009 . Format numbers to two decimal places - Formatting numbers to two decimal
2 Decimal Places On Sql AVG () Hi, I am trying to get my string to 2 decimal
Jul 14, 2009 . SQL Server: Formating Decimal Places. If you are storing a number with more
I need help with the syntax in getting only two decimal places in a division
i'm trying to count the number of decimal places in a field. e.g. mynumber decimal
Jan 6, 2006 . Hi, I have this query and I would like to have the avg display with only 2 decimal
Decimal points in Money data type(SQL 2K) MS SQL Server 7/MS SQL Server
Hello, I am learning MySQL database. I have a simple question. I have a query
How to Convert Decimal Places in SQL. The website database standard SQL
How do you write number in two decimal place for sql server? . Use Str()
Jan 21, 2010 . My statement is: SELECT CAST ($[$38.58.NUMBER] AS NUMERIC(19,6)) *
I am reading some data from ACCess database to SQL server - access field data
Dec 23, 2010 . T-SQL: Remove or reduce decimal places, with or without rounding. In T-SQL,
SELECT CONVERT(MONEY,100) as cost. But to be honest would this not be
The SQL CAST() along with the SQL AVG() function can return the average in a
I am summarizing cost amounts across different locations and with the average
SQL help to format my decimal places!- MySQL Help. Visit Dev Shed to discuss
Jul 30, 2009 . Updating Inventory Decimal Places through SQL. Recently I had to do this.
Sep 16, 2008 . Hai, How do u remove or limit (2 places after decimal) decimal places when
Jul 30, 2009 . Ian Stewart is a Microsoft Dynamics GP consultant and serial entrepreneur. He is
Jun 19, 2003 . From: Rodger Donaldson <rodgerd(at)diaspora(dot)gen(dot)nz>; To: pgsql-sql(at
I would like to show the data upto 2 decimal places but without rounding off the
alter. Hi. I have a table xyz, which has a fieeld amount - float. I want to show
How to get the number of decimal places ? or I have to do this via to_char, substr
Nov 20, 2007 . 2 Decimal Places On Sql AVG () Hi, I am trying to get my string to 2 decimal
Transact-SQL Reference (Database Engine). Built-in Functions (Transact-SQL) .
May 25, 2007 . Format to 2 decimal places? Search SQL Server Reporting Services Forum;
Can you please tell me how can i convert any integers to 2 decimal places using
Formatting numbers to two decimal places. . Specific to SQL Server. Also
Chapter 2: Transact-SQL Functions . is any exact numeric (numeric, dec,
SQL String Functions - Learn SQL (Structured Programming Language) in simple
Feb 3, 2010 . hey all, given: avg(cast(myvalue as numeric(12,2))) in SQL Management Studio I
For example, decimal(5,5) and decimal(5,0) are considered different data types.
Specific to SQL Server. Also consider CAST(population/1000000 AS decimal(8,2
Wrap your results in a CAST statement to set them to the desired precision. I.e.:
Sep 23, 2008 . I saw your recent tip on Calculating Mathematical Values in SQL Server and have
Document ID: 140121.1 Subject: SOLUTIONS TO COMMON SQL*LOADER
How many decimal places do you move the decimal place when multiplying?
I am calculating percentages. One example is coming down to 38589/ . You can