May 9, 12
Other articles:
  • Apr 24, 2012 . California to vote on abolishing the death penalty. This article was published on
  • Feb 19, 2012 . Articles about Death Penalty. . In Werner Herzog's chilling new death-penalty
  • Article written by Casey Carmical on capital punishment as a morally acceptable
  • Apr 29, 2012 . This reflects a growing momentum to end capital punishment. 120429-886.html - Cached - SimilarDeath-Penalty Racial Law Is Tested - WSJ.comFeb 16, 2012 . The fate of one death-row inmate in North Carolina—and possibly dozens more
  • Death Penalty News. Find breaking news, commentary, and archival information
  • Feb 4, 2010 . Nearly 50 years ago, as concern grew in the country about the fairness of death
  • Articles, photos, and discussions about Death Penalty from the top news sites on
  • News about capital punishment, including commentary and archival articles .
  • Death Penalty News. Find breaking news, commentary, and archival information
  • Death Penalty News. Find breaking news, commentary, and . - Cached - SimilarDoes Death Penalty Work as Deterrent? Capital Punishment Study . Apr 18, 2012 . The death penalty may or may not affect homicide rates. . By Firing Squad: How
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  • In 1981, Ricky Rector of Conway, Arkansas went on a shooting spree that
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  • Mar 9, 2011 . CHICAGO (Reuters) - The governor of Illinois signed a law on Wednesday
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  • 5) The death penalty spares more innocent lives than does a life sentence, in two
  • Since 1976, 271 death row inmates have been granted . - Cached - Similar2004 DEATH PENALTY ARTICLES2004 DEATH PENALTY ARTICLES. SOURCE. DATE. AUTHOR. TITLE.
  • This article sums the arguments for and against the death penalty, and statistics
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  • Apr 5, 2012 . A push to abolish Connecticut's death penalty is one step closer to becoming a
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  • Mar 5, 2012 . For the third time in 40 years, Californians will likely vote in November on the
  • It costs far more to execute a person than to keep him or her in prison for - Cached - SimilarDeath Penalty - Recent Court Cases, Issues and Articles | American . The administration of the death penalty in the United States has been a failed
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  • Sep 27, 2011 . But lost in some of the attention that the execution has generated is the death
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  • Apr 24, 2012 . A N.C. judge ordered that a death-row inmate's sentence be reduced to life in
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  • Death Penalty News. Find breaking news, commentary, and archival information
  • 4 days ago . Death Penalty News. Find breaking news, commentary, and archival information
  • Death Penalty Information Center News. Find breaking news, commentary, and
  • Apr 20, 2012 . FAYETTEVILLE, N.C. - In a landmark ruling, a North Carolina judge on Friday
  • Apr 25, 2012 . Connecticut Gov. Dannel Malloy signed a bill into law Wednesday that abolishes
  • 42 (22%) maintain the death penalty in both law and practice. . . Republic
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  • In the summer of 1984, a young girl was kidnapped, raped, and murdered near
  • Jan 8, 2008 . A recent article in Time Magazine by Editor-at-large David Von Drehle examines

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