Other articles:
Oct 28, 2009 . This week, a study in the British Journal of Criminology announced that "date
Jul 12, 2009 . On Independence Day, somebody somehow slipped a pill into my wine glass at a
A comprehensive report regarding the use of date rape drugs, recommended law
Aug 29, 2002 . Rohypnol - A "Date Rape" Drug Rohypnol is a brand name for flunitrazepam (a
Aug 5, 2011 . A quick stir of your drink could soon reveal whether it's been spiked with date
Alcohol. Long before any of the hypnotics and exotics were used to incapacitate
Aug 10, 2011 . Date rape drug seized: Three gallons of a chemical used in making a dangerous
Apr 14, 2010 . Email claims that a sterilization pill called Progesterex is being mixed with the
Aug 11, 2011 . Date-rape drugs affect memories of assaults and metabolise in the body quickly,
Free information (no ads) from the Stop Violence Education Project, featuring
A date rape drug is any drug that can be used to assist in the execution of a
Date Rape Drugs - What are they and how can you protect yourself? Fact sheets
Aug 5, 2011 . The sensor has accurately detected date-rape drugs in drinks 100 percent of the
What are date-rape drugs? These are drugs that are sometimes used to assist in
Nov 23, 2006 . This thanksgiving before you pass out after eating too much turkey make sure
Aug 3, 2011 . A test for date rape drugs may soon be available so women can learn in real-time
Roofies and Other Date Rape Drugs. Rohypnol: What Is It? Rohypnol (the brand
The use of date rape drugs clearly illustrates how sexual assaults are planned .
The idea of using ketamine as a date-rape drug is so totally weird, so twisted, that
The deadly date rape drug and drink spiking epidemic – who's watching your
Hoax! Email alert warns of a new date rape drug on college campuses called '
What's in this article? (click to view). What Is Date Rape? Alcohol and Drugs;
Date rape drug cases cry for attention. Friday, July 15, 2011. By Tony Norman,
Aug 9, 2011 . Researchers at Tel Aviv University have developed an easy-to-use sensor that,
Learn about date rape drugs, their street names, side effects and what they look
Drugs Information, what you really should know about, drugs facts on and facts
GHB is perhaps best known as the date-rape drug. Learn more about it here.
There are three major groups of drugs used in drug rape and other drink-spiking
Illinois State Police provides information on illegal drugs and drug awareness.
Most students forget that alcohol is the number one date rape drug on college .
Date Rape Drugs and Alcohol. Young adults dance the night away at all-night
The hallucinatory and sedating effects of drugs such as Rohyphol, GHB, and
Oct 27, 2009 . Widespread spiking of drinks with date-rape drugs such as Rohypnol and GHB is
Drug-facilitated date rape is the use of drugs to assist the attacker in a rape. The
Both drugs have been used to commit sexual assaults (also known as “date rape,
Additional material was drawn from the following sources: · “Date Rape Drugs;
Nov 7, 2011 . The Early Show: Date rape drug death: Family still seeks clues - Julia Sumnicht's
Dec 5, 2008 . Is alcohol a date rape drug? What about other . More information on date rape
Aug 5, 2011 . Date rape drugs can be added to a person's drink, making them vulnerable to
Aug 8, 2011 . Tel Aviv University researchers say they've developed a sensor that can detect
Jan 2, 2006 . MUMBAI: Sedatives, tranquillisers and hallucinogenic drugs, which are
GHB abuse became popular among teens and young adults at dance clubs and “
Aug 8, 2011 . Scientists create an inexpensive, straw-like device that lights up when placed in a
Detection of "Date-Rape" Drugs in Hair and. Urine, Final Report. Author(s): Adam
Find out more about Rohypnol, the date-rape drug-of-choice of frat boys and
Sep 6, 2004 . The most common drug used to vicitimise unwitting young girls into drug-
"Club drugs" were given their name because of their association with parties,
Oct 26, 2006 . This graduate died after inadvertently drinking the date rape drug GHB. Here we
(roofies, 'date-rape' drug) Rohypnol is a prescription-only sedative that has been