Dec 12, 11
Other articles:
  • Oct 28, 2009 . This week, a study in the British Journal of Criminology announced that "date
  • Jul 12, 2009 . On Independence Day, somebody somehow slipped a pill into my wine glass at a
  • A comprehensive report regarding the use of date rape drugs, recommended law
  • Aug 29, 2002 . Rohypnol - A "Date Rape" Drug Rohypnol is a brand name for flunitrazepam (a
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  • Alcohol. Long before any of the hypnotics and exotics were used to incapacitate
  • Aug 10, 2011 . Date rape drug seized: Three gallons of a chemical used in making a dangerous
  • Apr 14, 2010 . Email claims that a sterilization pill called Progesterex is being mixed with the
  • Aug 11, 2011 . Date-rape drugs affect memories of assaults and metabolise in the body quickly,
  • Free information (no ads) from the Stop Violence Education Project, featuring
  • A date rape drug is any drug that can be used to assist in the execution of a
  • Date Rape Drugs - What are they and how can you protect yourself? Fact sheets
  • Aug 5, 2011 . The sensor has accurately detected date-rape drugs in drinks 100 percent of the
  • What are date-rape drugs? These are drugs that are sometimes used to assist in
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  • Aug 3, 2011 . A test for date rape drugs may soon be available so women can learn in real-time
  • Roofies and Other Date Rape Drugs. Rohypnol: What Is It? Rohypnol (the brand
  • The use of date rape drugs clearly illustrates how sexual assaults are planned .
  • The idea of using ketamine as a date-rape drug is so totally weird, so twisted, that
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  • Hoax! Email alert warns of a new date rape drug on college campuses called '
  • What's in this article? (click to view). What Is Date Rape? Alcohol and Drugs;
  • Date rape drug cases cry for attention. Friday, July 15, 2011. By Tony Norman,
  • Aug 9, 2011 . Researchers at Tel Aviv University have developed an easy-to-use sensor that,
  • Learn about date rape drugs, their street names, side effects and what they look
  • Drugs Information, what you really should know about, drugs facts on and facts
  • GHB is perhaps best known as the date-rape drug. Learn more about it here.
  • There are three major groups of drugs used in drug rape and other drink-spiking
  • Illinois State Police provides information on illegal drugs and drug awareness.
  • Most students forget that alcohol is the number one date rape drug on college .
  • Date Rape Drugs and Alcohol. Young adults dance the night away at all-night
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  • Oct 27, 2009 . Widespread spiking of drinks with date-rape drugs such as Rohypnol and GHB is
  • Drug-facilitated date rape is the use of drugs to assist the attacker in a rape. The
  • Both drugs have been used to commit sexual assaults (also known as “date rape,
  • Additional material was drawn from the following sources: · “Date Rape Drugs;
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  • Dec 5, 2008 . Is alcohol a date rape drug? What about other . More information on date rape
  • Aug 5, 2011 . Date rape drugs can be added to a person's drink, making them vulnerable to
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  • Detection of "Date-Rape" Drugs in Hair and. Urine, Final Report. Author(s): Adam
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  • Sep 6, 2004 . The most common drug used to vicitimise unwitting young girls into drug-
  • "Club drugs" were given their name because of their association with parties,
  • Oct 26, 2006 . This graduate died after inadvertently drinking the date rape drug GHB. Here we
  • (roofies, 'date-rape' drug) Rohypnol is a prescription-only sedative that has been

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