Other articles:
May 23, 2008 . In this paper, we present an approach for schema versioning in multitemporal
Apr 13, 2011 . But versioning the database schema gets hard. For really big . You just need a
Putting a database schema under a version control. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..4.
Feb 2, 2008 . the problem i've always had with db schema source control though is that
an operational and easy-to-evolve database schema. Evolution . Versioning:
Database Schema. Shared metadata tables. The versioned database is
zooNinja. A port of my PyMigrate Python library to PHP. PHPDbMigrate allows
Jan 11, 2011 . So database version control is not as simple as making two schemas equal to
Nov 14, 2008 . Article describes design, development and testing of a home-grown tool for
This section describes the SQL Database Schema used by the Rocks system. .
Feb 28, 2012 . If you now need a db change in staging, it will increas the schema version to
Versioned Database Schema. The Versioned Database is implemented through
I work on a project that uses a reasonably large database, the live . We are
Dec 6, 2010. 171 different DB schema versions released to the public by means of a . [16]
Schema evolution concerns the ability of maintaining extant data in response to
Mar 26, 2012 . It's no secret to developers of database-driven applications that trying to version a
Dec 2, 2009 . However for the database I do not wish to generate a SQL Script to change the
Schema Evolution, Schema Versioning, Evolving Database Systems . This
Jan 3, 2010 . The normal way I've seen database schema versioning is to create a database
Jun 28, 2005 . Configuration management has proven to be a valuable tool in coordinating and
Feb 9, 2012 . Database schema diagram of MediaWiki . The current MySQL diagram for any
All changes to a database schema under version control should be done via
Feb 18, 2008 . It is essential to treat database schema as source code and apply all the norms
Apr 10, 2007 . An introductory approach to synchronizing database schema versions; Author:
SQL Examiner performs fully automated comparison and synchronization of
Using SQL Source Control to enable database version control. . You have a
Database Schema Migrations¶. Since version 2.1.1 TurboGears has integrated
This is used to determine which version your database is currently at. Similarly
Schema Sync is a MySQL Schema Versioning and Migration Utility that will
This script checks to see if any diffs need to be applied, and applies them if the
A strong version control system for databases saves time to developers, who
Hi, What tool do you use for schema versioning? I want multiple instances, each
Schema migration is one of those "hard" problems that I think will be impossible
The paper first discusses the nature of schema versioning and outlines the
To put your database definition under version control, you need an offline
In order to store asset version metadata, the ATG Content Administration server's
How do you prepare your SQL deltas? do you manually save each . See. Is
[odb-users] Support for database schema versioning/evolution. Boris Kolpackov
Jun 7, 2011 . The other reason to version your database is for continuous integration. Every
through trial and error, thus it is important to allow flexibility in the definition of a
May 10, 2011 . ScaDaVer – A Framework for Schema and. Data Versioning in OLTP Databases.
Schema versioning is one of a number of related areas dealing with the general
Feb 1, 2008 . This is the starting point for versioning a database. After you've published the
A schema migration is performed on a database whenever it is necessary to
ment of databases with evolving schemata is introduced. It is shown how a
In this paper we study the logical and computational properties of schema
Mar 7, 2011 . Short of installing every old version of FogBugz and hitting that URL, is there a
Feb 20, 2012 . The create-schema.sql contains the initial create tables, indexes and key scripts.
Schema evolution and schema versioning are two techniques used for managing
Mostly, after changing a database schema, a developer cannot just commit the