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Feb 15, 2011. to a database and fetch the column name from the database table. .
Jul 8, 2011 . Recently, on the ASP Forum have seen many users asking how to get the
I am trying to determine the column names in a table in an access xp database
The first thing that we will do is create our database using the Server . We will go
I would not say it is imposible because the column names are certainly . and a
Get ASP / Active Server Pages help and support on Bytes Support Forums. . I
do you want the header text of the column or the name of the database field that
Aug 31, 2010 . ASP.NET / .NET blog page. . Microsoft MVP in ASP.NET/IIS . Get all database
Jan 4, 2011 . Hastable (1) · Asp.net c hashtable missing namespace (1) . //Fill the hash table
Oct 2, 2001 . ASPFAQs.com : How can I get all Field Names or Column Names from a
ASP.NET @ DaniWeb - Hello, Can any1 tell me how i can change the . I set the
Display the Field Names and Field Values. We have a database named "
The BLOB data field name must immediately . from our sample database that
What's the best way to get a column name in asp.net using ODBC? . I have a
NET tutorials, programming, code and scripts Global ASP. . The code below is a
Dec 15, 2005 . SQL Development. Visit ASP Free to discuss How to get the field's name from a
Apr 24, 2010 . How to use ASP & SQL Server Get Field Name This is tutorial asp developers
Jan 13, 2011 . NET Articles,Gridview articles,code examples of asp.net 2.0 /3.5,AJAX . columns
Grab the Database Column Names??- ASP Programming. Visit Dev Shed to
Feb 21, 2002 . ASP.NET 2.0 · Classic ASP 1.0 · Databases · Access DB & ADO . Used an alias
Sep 9, 2007 . You will also have to provide the system default F1, F2, F3 etc for field names:
One in is an html input field and the other is an asp:hiddenfield object. Both of
. or a database along with another form fields. Huge ASP file .
I'm working primarily in ASP and transitioning to ASP.NET. This is probably
The ADO Recordset object is used to hold a set of records from a database table.
Apr 11, 2006 . I don't have access to the database except through ASP/SQL. . But I must have
Sep 1, 1999 . This ASP primer will show you how to access data in a database from your ASP
Apr 24, 2010 . How to use ASP & MySQL Get Field Name This is tutorial asp developers how to
Note: In these databases, I am using the sample database connection (Northwind
The dataField is set to the SurveyComments database field. 7. Close the Fields. 8
Dim dt As New DataTable Dim adapter As SqlDataAdapter Dim Cmd As New
Randomly rotate images, banners, content using Classic ASP and Ajax, without
The idea is to mix strings of text with database field values to create the lines of
Jan 31, 2007 . Visit Dev Articles to discuss List field names from a table. . Learn to optimize
ORDER BY field name ASC (sorting Access DB results). fototex #:4155559, 11:
An <asp:GridView> control is the most powerful of the server controls used to .
May 9, 2009 . Here Mudassar Ahmed Khan has explained How to retrieve column names from
. ASP code example for displaying Microsoft SQL Server column names and .
I have a Microsoft SQL 2000 database and a table with column names Objective1
Sorting by this field will give you all the data grouped by area code. . The city
Apr 7, 2009 . “Article of the day” @ ASP.NET Forum . Question : How many tables in your
Gets a collection of DataControlField objects that represent the column fields in a
If this property is not specified, the database field name will be used by default. .
Say you're editing—what else—the Northwind database on your local Microsoft
I can't do that cos I won't know how many fields there are. Can I find .
I have a mssql table of names. This table contains .
I am trying to read a row in an Access db and display the column names and field
Use OleDbDataReader retrieve data from database by column name (C#) :
I am looking in to the possibility of taking a SQL database table which has 50