Other articles:
Jan 25, 2012 . Hey,I made my own Cydia repo and everything is working fine (I think) except that
Goto: Cydia > Manage > Sources > Edit > Add.
We have collected 20 best Cydia sources or repos you can add to your device to
Aug 27, 2011 . The following is a best of Cydia list, containing the 10 must-have sources for
Feb 22, 2011 . Here is a list of top Cydia sources of year 2011. With these repos, you can find,
Jan 16, 2012 . This is a list of the top 10 accessed repositories for iPhone, iPad and iPod
app.ifonetec.com: http://app.ifonetec.com/cydia/ BigBoss & Planet-iPhones: http://
Find all the repo that cydia has to offer and more here.
Nov 5, 2010 . Here is a list of top 10 best Cydia sources for your iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad
Jul 12, 2011 . Cydia Repos Site/The coolest place for Cydia Apps. Cydia Repos. BusinessLite
Mar 7, 2012 . Cydia Repos - What are the Cydia Repos? Cydia Repos is same to Cydia
Here are the best Cydia sources and repositories, top Cydia sources, free Cydia
Jan 5, 2012 . For those who don't know, Cydia is a home of all those iPhone apps which are
Dec 19, 2011 . Top Cydia Sources/Repos/Repositories for Cydia for Jailbroken iPhone, iPod,
Cydia Error - All Packages and Repo's Gone Edit This Wiki. Sometimes you may
I accidentally added a corrupt repo, and cydia bombed halfway through, now
Jan 5, 2012 . Now that the iOS 5.0.1 Untethered jailbreak is out, it is time download some apps,
Mar 4, 2012 . basically get paid cydia apps for free and full, add these to your sources: http://
A source is a web address you add to Installer or Cydia to download . Matthew
The simplest way to add Theme it to your iDevice is to add our repository directly
10 Best Cydia Sources (Repos) List. Get All The Information You Need About 10
Jan 28, 2012 . Visit http://www.iphonecaptain.com for all the tips and tweaks. This Video will
Jan 23, 2012 . Here's the screenshots of my Best Repos for Cydia Apps and Tweaks. Posted by
Feb 1, 2012 . Cydia Repos For Downloading Apps For Free. Is that an app you like and you
Mar 2, 2012 . I have been discussing in previous posts regarding different Cydia Resources
top+cyida+jailbreak+apps+on+2011 Cydia Repos. Repositories. ModMyi.com ·
Dec 27, 2011 . The traffic for cydia repositories is huge right now. So if you get any errors related
Feb 14, 2012 . While there are some standard Cydia repositories like BigBoss, ModMyi,
New Updated List : Jan 2 / 2012. Happy new year. Cydia .
Jun 12, 2011 . Here are the Top Cydia Repositories [Repo] from where you can Download Free
My Cydia Repo. Started by 111tr3nt, 12-23-2011 02:55 PM. 2 Pages •: 1 2. siri.
Mar 15, 2010 . This is the most reliable list of Cydia repos that has almost all the apps and
Apr 8, 2012 . Here's a list of best Cydia Repos / Sources list you should use to spice up your
What's the best Cydia repo's what are people are using I'll start, http://
I was searching for some great Cydia repositories on google and I found a
Feb 29, 2012 . Homeforgeeks ― Cydia Repos-Top 10 Cydia Repos are basically Cydia sources
Jan 22, 2012 . Follow me on twitter: http://www.twitter.com/Saim_I_am 1) http://repo.
i have quite a few good repos already, but they all seem to be lacking in the
List of Cydia Repo's to Download and Install FuriousMod on iPhone 4. من
Oct 10, 2011 . Like in the post I wrote some months ago about Jailbreaking iPhone 4 with Cydia.
Tags: add sources, bricked, bricked my ipad, bricked my iphone, bricked my ipod,
I jailbroke my ipod touch 4g on ios 5.1 tethered, and when I open cydia, only the
What is the best and top Cydia sources - AKA - Repos for your iPhone, iPod
iPadOS Cydia Sources/Repositories List 2012: Best Cydia sources for iPhone,
Oct 13, 2011 . Top Cydia Repos for iOS 5 ? What is the best and Top Cydia Repos / Sources
Top Cydia Repos / Sources List 2011 – 2012 Off-Topic General Discussion.
BigBoss & Planet-iPhone: http://apt.bigboss.us.com/repofiles/cydia/ ModMyiFone:
Jan 22, 2012 . What is Top iPhone 4S Cydia Repo / Sources / Repository ? After Jailbroken my
What are the top 3 best and most trustworthy sources? besides the 4 or 5
An Introduction To Cydia Repo's. February 24, 2012 — Zyrac. Failte mó chara,