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If all of the drugs were patented imports, the cost of these ARV . reduced
Oct 23, 2009 . Online Petition: A CITIZEN'S PETITION presented to the National Institute of
One theory about AIDS is that it is not an actual disease, but a massive con, and
Please consult your physician with questions on the U.S. Patented AIDS Cure,
Feb 21, 2011 . Oh how the government loves its citizens. .. Wonder how many have died since
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_p-ttLfkZHQ i hope this documentary exposing
I disagree i think there is a cure but the government wont tell anyone what it is .
Feb 13, 2008 . US Patents for HIV AIDS and Patent for CURE http://twincities.indymedia.org/
After 26 months on a single injection of the U.S. patented cure for AIDS, patent #
Aug 1, 2011 . Initial lack of empathy for AIDS sufferers in the West curtailed serious cure
Apr 8, 2000 . The other patent is the cure for HIV/AIDS granted to Basil Earle Wainwright,
The patent for the AIDS virus was filed on April 23, 1984. The patent for the cure
Although in theory compulsory licensing offers a legal solution to patent
So I was bored and after someone asked a question in class today about AIDS/
Let's see. no evidence whatsoever for its safety or effectiveness despite 15 years
http://billgatesknows.tripod.com/bil. daidscure.html. Correspondence to Bill
Let's see. no evidence whatsoever for its safety or effectiveness despite 15 years
"When I looked into Dr. Kaali's work [Patent #5188738 describes a cure for AIDS/
Mar 17, 2003 . Boyd Ed Graves, J.D. discovered the United States' secret 1971 Special Virus
Cure for AIDS Found on US PATENT website!!! . Our Government has know
Dec 5, 2011 . AIDS cure patented in 1997, US patent #5676977 (LOOK IT UP). Labeled
http://onlinejournal.com/artman/publish/article_2862.sh. -snip- In the Fall of
Sep 16, 2009 . Cure for AIDS patent #5676977. According to the Patents Office the cure for AIDS
Claims US Gov has a Federal Virus Program as well as a US Patent for
patft.uspto.gov/netacgi/nph-Parser?. d. - SimilarVideos for cure for aids patentAIDS CURE: U.S. Patent #567697738 min - May 22, 2007video.google.com/videoplay?docid. AIDS CURE U.S. Patent #5676977-THIS VIDEO IS BEING - YouTube10 min - Mar 24, 2008Uploaded by xlivescomwww.youtube.com/watch?v=GcLWH-YQtdACuring AIDS with Tetrasilver Tetroxide (Patent 5676977) - YouTube5 min - Nov 30, 2009Uploaded by RykerBasilwww.youtube.com/watch?v=rIFDMztIfIUAIDS Cure Patented! - YouTube6 min - Jan 20, 2012Uploaded by ARSONomicswww.youtube.com/watch?v=lUC-Nc1E7QsA Cure for AIDS | Popular ScienceNov 14, 2008 . Holy crap. These guys in Germany just cured AIDS! . . Who would have thought
When you pledge your donation I will fast tract to you the United States Patented
Learn about AIDS Patented Cure here.Why haven't you heard about it yet? Its
AIDS Cure Patent #5676977 is filed with the US Patent Office. . 1 - There IS no
Apr 22, 2006 . The following is our delivery confirmation snail mail to Bill Gates. It concerns the
Sep 3, 2010 . Eight HIV/AIDS Treatment Patents Challenged. from the errors-in-the-patent-
The US government also invented the patented cure for AIDS, called Tetrasil (
AIDS CURE: U.S. Patent #5676977 , page 1. Discusion about AIDS . UK
U.S. patented CURE for AIDS--patent#5676977 From: "Boyd Graves" U.S.
AIDS is MURDER! U.S. Has Patented Cure for AIDS! Compiled and edited by
Feb 1, 2008 . I can't think of any more fitting time than the anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther's
Without treatment most HIV/AIDS patients would die quickly, . www.debatewise.org/debates/999 - CachedTetrasilver Tetroxide: A secret cure for AIDS? : Patents & Trademarks1. Tetrasilver Tetroxide is mention as a cure for AIDS, according to US patent #
Oct 7, 2011 . AIDS CURE U.S. Patent #5676977-THIS VIDEO IS BEING . AIDS was taken in
The employee-inventor filed for a patent, assigned it to the company, and the
Feb 5, 2007 . If the world is lucky, the Iranians have found not only a cure for AIDS, but one for
"The US Gov does not issue Patents for claims that cannot be met." This is a very
And that year after year of AIDS parades we hear that there is no cure in sight.
Dec 29, 2008 . Now, apparently, per the USPTO and Dr. Marvin Antelman, silver is also the cure
Mar 16, 2009 . Block Money Billionaires Spreads The Word On Patented AIDS Cure. "Their is a
There are at least 50 places on the web that high light the Aids Cure. We are now