Other articles:
r4rd.org/wp-content/uploads/2009/. /Water_Energy_Conversions.xlsCachedSimilar5, 1 acre-foot (AF) = 325,853 gallons = 1,233 cubic meters (m3). 6, 1 cubic meter
www.adeq.state.ar.us/water/branch. /municipal_formula_sheet.pdfCachedSimilar1 mile = 1.609 kilometers or 5,280 feet. 17. 1 milligram, liter, etc. = 1/1,000 or
www.traditionaloven.com/. /convert-ac-ft-acre-foot-per-day-to-gal-us-per- year.htmlDiferent flow rate units conversion from acre foot per day to gallons US per year.
www.wefnet.org/ewef/images/MOP11/ConversionFactors.pdfCachedSimilaracre-foot ac-ft. 1233 m. 3 atmosphere atm. 101.3. kPa (kilopascal) bar bar .
www.convert-me.com/en/convert/flow_rate_volume/CachedSimilarInstant units and measurements conversion, metric conversion and other systems
www.translatorscafe.com/. converter/. /acre-foot%2Fday-gallon_ (UK)%2Fminute/CachedAn acre-foot per day (ac⋅ft·d⁻¹, ac·ft/d) is a US Customary unit of volumetric flow
www.caes.uga.edu/. /bae/. /Irrigation%20Conversion%20Factors.pdfCachedConversion Factors. 1 gallon (gal.) . 1 million gallons (m.g.) = 3.0689 acre-feet. 1
www.kylesconverter.com/. /gallons-(us-fluid)-per-day-to-acre--feet-per-yearCachedSimilarConverts from Gallons (us Fluid) Per Day for you! Instantly Converts Gallons (us
www.globalw.com/support/conversions.htmlCachedSimilarCubic feet per second, 448.8, US gallons per minute. 60, Cubic feet per minute.
www.coastalpipco.com/section/technical_info/charts/chart19.pdfCachedSimilar1 GALLON .833 IMPERIAL GALLONS. 1 ACRE INCH PER HOUR. 452.57
www.waterplan.water.ca.gov/docs/previous/b160-98/v2metcon.pdfCachedSimilarTo convert from. To metric . 0.00155 square feet (ft2) square meters (m2).
www.env.gov.bc.ca/wsd/wrs/query/licences/help/unit_conv.pdfCachedSimilardaily: • Convert to gallons per year by multiplying # by 365. If Maximum Daily
septic.umn.edu/prod/groups/cfans/. /cfans_asset_126400.pdfCachedSimilar10.76 square feet. 1 square meter. = 10,000 square centimeters. 1 acre. = 43,560
deereault.com/unit.phpCachedSimilarMultiply. By. To Obtain. Cubic feet per second. 448.8. Gallons/minute. Cubic feet
Discharge, in million gallons per day, of Kaluanui Stream near Hauula, Oahu, .
APPENDIX A. CONVERSION TABLES Common Water Measurements . 62.4
www.traditionaloven.com/. /convert-ac-ft-acre-foot-per-day-to-gal-us-per- day.htmlDiferent flow rate units conversion from acre foot per day to gallons US per day.
www.sanjoseca.gov/clerk/agenda/042408/042408jss_03.pdfCached1,233.5. Volume. Acre-Foot. (AF). To liters (l). 1,233,500. Million Gallons. Per Day
vvcsd.org/custserv/unitconversion.htmCachedSimilarMay 30, 2014 . 1 million gallons per day (mgd). 1,120 acre-feet per year. 1,000 gallons per . To
www.convertunits.com/from/million+gallons+per+day/. /acre+foot/dayCachedSimilarQuickly convert million gallons/day into acre feet/day (million gallons per day to
cetulare.ucdavis.edu/files/82041.pdfCachedSimilarfoot (ft3). = 7.48 gallons. One acre-foot = 43560 ft. 2 x 1 foot water depth . given
https://www.idwr.idaho.gov/. /Water%20Conversion%20Factors.pdfCachedWATER CONVERSION FACTORS. 1 Miner's inch . . 1 cubic foot of water. .
https://water.usgs.gov/watuse/wuconv.htmlCachedApr 10, 1996 . Conversion Factors . liter per day million gallons per day (Mgal/d) 1.121
www.convertworld.com/en/volumetric. /Acre-feet+per+day.htmlCachedSimilarConvert Volumetric flow rate Acre-feet per day. . I want to convert: Per second,
onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/0471668826.app1/pdfAppendix A: Useful Conversion Factors. Appendix B: . 6.452 cm2. = 0.0006452
content.cdlib.org/view?docId=kt5q2nb139&chunk.id. CachedAPPENDIX A. CONVERSION TABLES . 100 gallons per minute, 0.442 acre-feet
. feet to acre-feet • Cubic feet of water to weight • Cubic feet of water to gallons .
www.waterwell.cc/convert-between-various-flow-and-volume-unitsCachedConversion between various units of measurement is often necessary for
www.traditionaloven.com/. /convert-ac-ft-acre-foot-per-day-to-gal-us-per- minute.htmlDiferent flow rate units conversion from acre foot per day to gallons US per
www.extension.iastate.edu/agdm/wholefarm/html/c6-84.htmlCachedSimilarConvertit.com · Length Converter -- Unit Converter . Area Conversion – Unit
www.ci.calistoga.ca.us/Modules/ShowDocument.aspx?documentid. CachedMillion gallons per day gpd. = Gallons per day mg/l. = Milligrams per liter lb/d. =
www.online-unit-converter.com/volumetric-flow-rate/Similarcubic meter per day,m3/day. 1 233.481 824. cubic meter per . acre foot per day.
www.fws.gov/mountain-prairie/wtr/hydro_def.htmCachedSimilarHydrology, Acre-feet (AF), Cubic Feet per Second (CFS), CFS-Day, Crest . An
www.rcac.org/assets/.online%20materials/mar31materials.pdfCachedSimilar◇Million gallons per day = MGD. RCAC. Terms . ◇Cubic feet per acre foot = cu
https://dnrc.mt.gov/wrd/water_rts/wr_general_info/. /615.pdfCachedWATER CONVERSION TABLE. GPM = Gallons per minute. CFS = Cubic feet per
convert-to.com/conversion/. /convert-gal-us-per-day-flow-to-acre-ft-per-yr- flow.htmlSimilarThis on the web one-way conversion tool converts flow units from gallons US per
groundwater.fullerton.edu/Groundwater. /Common_Conversions.htmlCachedSimilar. Excel File represents. a Collection of conversion formulas: Conversion Chart .
www.oregon.gov/owrd/Pages/wr/Faq.aspxCachedSimilarAcre Feet (AF), Gallons (G) and Water Quantity Conversions . for 12 hours per
pods.dasnr.okstate.edu/docushare/dsweb/. /BAE-1501web2014.pdfCachedis measured in units of volume — gallon, cubic foot, acre-inch, and acre-foot. .
water.nv.gov/programs/planning/dictionary/convert2.pdfCachedSimilarfor 30 Days. = 59.5 Acre-Feet for 1 Year. = 723.97 Acre-Feet. 1 Million Gallons =
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acre-footCachedSimilarOne acre-foot/year is approximately 893 gallons per day. . This conversion
To convert (to get)Multiply by (divide by)To get (to convert) Feet 12Inches Yards
www.prwcd.org/water_conv.htmlCachedSimilarOne inch of rain falling on 1 acre of ground is equal to about 27,154 gallons and
pubs.usgs.gov/circ/2004/circ1268/htdocs/text-conversion.htmlCachedSimilarMultiply, By, To Obtain. Area. acre, 43,560, square foot (ft2). 4,047, square meter (
www.convert-me.com/en/convert/flow_rate. /acre_foot_year.htmlCachedSimilarConversion chart for acre foot per year (U.S. and British Imperial, flow rate by
www.unitconversion.org/flow/acre-foot-per-year-conversion.htmlCachedSimilarperform conversions between acre-foot/year and other flow units.
www.ers.usda.gov/media/935958/ah697_002.pdfCachedSimilar1 thousand cubic meters per day. = 296.12 acre-feet per year. 1There are a
www.water-research.net/Waterlibrary/watermanual/conversion_factors.pdfSimilarThe conversion factors listed below are included for your convenience. Metric
www.industrialservice.com/pdf/30117-07.pdf?. hesftfgtCachedSimilarRATE OF FLOW. CONVERSION FACTORS. MULTIPLY. BY. TO OBTAIN. Gallons
https://www.oas.org/dsd/publications/Unit/oea59e/ch42.htmCached1 ft2 (square foot). = 0.09290304 m2 (square meter). 1 acre. = 43 560 ft2 .