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I switched from BC: 3.6 & Dia : 14.0 to BC : 3.6 & Dia : 14.2 contact lens. My eyes
Oct 3, 2006 . Buy Contact Lenses Online at AC Lens . Select Your Contact Lenses: .
Search Contact Lenses by #T# . Contact Lenses List | Site Map · Contact Lenses
Apr 10, 2005 . base curve, garment industry, liz claiborne: 1. Tha base curve is the curve on the
Typical values for a contact lens are from 8.0 to 10.0 mm. The base curve is the
A pair of contact lenses, positioned with the concave side facing upward. . .
A contact lens prescription is made up of specific data which we require to fill
The most important values for ordering correctly are the Power and Base Curve
The important information (prescription) should be known before buy contact
Mar 16, 2007 . Contact lenses must fit well to the wearer's cornea in order to be . After the base
May 27, 2011 . BC, DIA and Brand. 1. Find the term BC or Base Curve. This is the diopter
Cosmetic monthly contact lens of the new generation. Standard Base Curve (BC):
Sep 28, 2010 . The base curve, or BC, is the radius of the back of the contact lens, the .
A smaller BC value indicates a contact lens that has a greater curvature. DIA
Oct 9, 2003 . Hello All; I have a question about Contacts that maybe you can answer. I
You can order contact lenses online, but you need a valid prescription from your
Lower BC values indicate steep corneas, which are generally associated with
This is what a typical Contact Lens prescription looks like : Eye : B.C/Dia/Power.
X, Axis, Direction of cylindrical lens, 0° to 180°. BC, Base Curve, Fitting of the
A contact lens prescription typically lasts a year, after which you will need a
Nov 23, 2010 . I believe the negative number has to do with the strength of the prescription (
In general, the base curve value is the same for both eyes. DIA (Diameter) A
A consumer guide to understanding the terms & numbers on your contact lens
BC represents base curve. This value ranges from 8.0 to 9.5. If there is no BC
This is a contact lens prescription. The terms BC (base curve) and Dia (diameter)
BC means “Base Curve” and Dia means “Diameter” of your contact lenses. So
A contact lens prescription is made up of specific data which we require to fill
May 18, 2011 . Tell a friend about our contacts store . Eye, Power (Sphere), BC (Base Curve),
Frequently asked questions about colored contacts, and colored contacts . OD -
Mar 9, 2004 . First my background: 36 y.o. been wearing glasses since I was 18, current pwr
Contact lenses bc dia Contact lenses. Filters. (+) (-). products matches your
I've using a reliable contact lenes recommended by my doctor but now they are
Jun 14, 2011 . Subject, Accuvue 2 Contacts -4.25, BC 8.3, Dia 14.0. Location, I-10 West near
Jul 27, 2011 . Any help with this would be appreciated. If I know that my axis is 90 could the axis
These will include base curve, diameter, power, and experation date. Toric and
Jun 22, 2011 . Mods, you can delete if this post isn't ok, I just want to give someone something
Nov 14, 2011 . I want to order contacts on line but every website I go to has the wrong DIA and
Apr 19, 2008 . My optican wants me to try acuvue contacts because…
A lot of ppl do not know that our eyes have different diameter and base curve.If u
Aug 29, 2010 . A basic contact lens prescription can consist of many things: these are labeled
Feb 11, 2012 . First of all, my backstory is here: Ok, nevermind. It wouldnt let me link to the forum
Buy Contact Lenses Online at AC Lens . Here is a typical contact lens
Brand name: Soflens 66 Toric BC: 8.5. DIA: 14.5. SPHERE: -4.50. CYL & AXIS: -
All three are components of the contact lens prescription. Power refers to the
Mar 1, 2012 . I'm interested in Acuvue Oasys for Presbyopia contacts after hearing good . The
Jun 5, 2007 . I've got BOXES of 1-Day Acuvue's (several hundred dollars worth) left over from
Freshlook Visitint contact lenses are comfortable, easy to handle, and provides
The diameter of the contact lens is the entire width of the lens and is measured in
Jun 16, 2010 . i have the same prescription for both eyes. my doctor gave me biofintiy clear
Apr 18, 2008 . The lenses that I wore were 8.6 bc, dia 13.8 I have been to two. . General