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We provide Softlens Toric, Optimia Toric Contacts, Progclear compatibles toric .
Mar 6, 2012 . prefer Oasys or a different contact lens, it should fit tighter than one would choose
1-Day Acuvue soft daily disposable contact lenses manufactured by Johnson .
Dec 19, 2011 . Can i wear contacts with bc 8.3, dia 14? My optican wants me to try acuvue
I have been wearing gles since I was 4, daily wear contacts since I was 12 (I'm a
Does anyone know where to find Acuvue 2 contacts with a Base Curve of 8.3? (
Jul 14, 2008 . I am trying out different contact lenses now and w… . The latter, BC 8.3, feels
I've found contacts on line for a cheap rate with choice of BC of 8.3 or 8.7, both
All of these parameters are displayed on the packaging of the contact lenses you
Colored contact lenses are one of the hottest trends in celebrity and . if your
PureVision contact lenses are unique and available to buy online. . Contacts so
Also I have been looking and my prescription says that my contacts for Advance
I have recently started wearing contact lenses. Acuvue 2's. My prescription states
Dec 21, 2009 . General Contact Lens Care and Questions A discussion of the . . Premio (
Base Curve 8.3 . Acuvue 2 Colors Opaques Contact Lenses · Acuvue 2 Colors
CLE Contact Lenses is the all around resource for contact .
Apr 30, 2009 . I have been wearing contact lenses for 14 years with NO PROBLEMS, Acuvue 2 (
Answer: Well surrounded by soft contact lenses 0.1 change contained by a base
Mar 31, 2010 . Unfortunately, you are like me, you don't have a common contact lens
49% water content, daily wear soft contact lens, Hioxifilcon B. Available in Multi-
Jun 14, 2011 . Subject, Accuvue 2 Contacts -4.25, BC 8.3, Dia 14.0. Location, I-10 West near
Choose your contact lenses by clicking on the Contact Lenses tab found at the
Apr 20, 2011 . november 2009, i got a contact rx. i wear acuvue colors. it was - 0.75, 8.3 bc,
Base Curve 6.38 - 52.87 · Base Curve 6.40 - . Base Curve 8.3 · Base Curve .
Feb 11, 2012 . I recently got LASIK and no longer need my contacts. I have 12 sealed boxes that
The Differences Between Contact Lens Base Curve 8.6 & 8.9. Contact . Lenses
Extended wear contact lenses and the daily wear soft contacts. Extended Wear .
Jun 13, 2010 . So basically I have odd eyes, my right eye is 8.3 and my left is 8.6. FreshLook
Oct 6, 2003 . I have recently started wearing contact lenses. Acuvue 2's. My prescription states
Weekly disposable contact lenses for dry eyes. Diameter 13.6/14.2, base curve
Jun 7, 2008 . I've worn contacts for 10+ years, usually Acuvue of some type, most recently
Order and Buy Contact Lenses Online: Cooper Vision contact lens, Ocular, .
Choose your contact lenses by clicking on the Contact Lenses tab found at the
Mar 1, 2010 . On the contact lens boxes' side, where the prescription is printed, there is a
Feb 28, 2011 . Base curve: 8.3 and 8.7. Diameter: 14.0. Packed: 6 contacts/box. Material:
i recently changed contact prescriptions. the past year or so i started . BC 8.3.
Jun 27, 2006 . I have perfect vision but i want to get colored contacts. There is a base curve
I ordered some colored contacts online a few days ago, and i just noticed in the
May 5, 2010 . Urgent . Help!! My colored Durasoft contact lenses have been on back order for a
Oct 24, 2008 . Answers - My contacts prescription base curve (BC) is 8.3 but they dnt have that
To order contact lenses you need your contact lens prescription, which will
Aug 28, 2007 . Bight blue contacts for BC 8.3? Props/Accessories/Armor.
Studies have shown that there are 3 sizes of occluder contact lenses most
Mar 7, 2012 . The image shown on the right is a typical prescription found on a box of contact
Apr 5, 2010 . I want to buy Ciba Vision Illusions Colored Contact Lenses, but they only come in
Lens Name, PWR Range, BC Params, DIA Params, Price.
I just got fitted for contacts today. I was going to order from cosplaylab.com.
May 19, 2010 . i currently have acuvue 2 contacts with a BC of 8.7. i want to try the opaque acuve
Against my better judgment, I bought a box of grays in the 8.3 b/c. The color is .