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The send() call may be used only when the socket is in a connected state (so that
Jan 8, 2011 . Installing Hudson On Scientific Linux (RHEL 55) / CentOS | Adding KVM Virtual
": If you can not connect to winterm1 with rdesktop .
Feb 26, 2011 . Recently, after re-installation Ubuntu Linux, sshfs mount, Fedora Core 6, has
May 4, 2011 . Linux, FOSS, Web and more: a buzzword-free blog . SSH dies immediately right
Jun 8, 2011 . OS: Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES release 4 (64bit) . error Linux Error: 104:
Feb 18, 2011 . Why am I getting "connection reset by peer" in my error log? . On a SuSE Linux
Aug 20, 2010 . Re: rsync: read error: Connection reset by peer (104) . On Fri, Aug 20, 2010 at 1:
Salve, questa č la novita del mattino, www.google.it (external link) risponde con (
I tried on 2 different Linux boxes, an OSX box, and a windows box, . status line:
. TNS-00517: Lost contact Linux Error: 104: Connection reset by peer .
News, Blogs and Resources on the Linux (KVM) Kernel-Based Virtual .
ssh, sftp, sshfs error: Connection reset by peer. Done a bit of googling with this,
Description. Exception kommt Connection reset by peer. Bei Senden einer
Nov 8, 2010 . [ubuntu] rdesktop connection reset by peer Networking & Wireless. . Ubuntu
I am receiving LOADS of the following error messages on my Linux machine:
pmap_getmaps rpc problem: RPC: Unable to receive; errno = Connection reset
When I try to do a backup, during the uploading stage I eventually get a "failed (
Hi, I had connected to a remote computer through SSH. After few hours I got
Arch Linux: https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/22897?project=1. Any other . Read
These instructions will also work for Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES 2.1, 3, and 4.
Aug 19, 2011 . [SCTP-Discussion] SCTP ABORT ("Connection reset by peer") over high . I
Technical difficulties on Linux? Penguins go here! . 2011-05-06T21:37:22Z
Everything seems to be running fine. I can connect to the internet no problem.
FreeBSD/Linux Kernel Cross Reference . 27 #define ECONNRESET 54 /*
Read from remote host remote.com: Connection reset by peer. Connection to
Collection of answers to questions about Firebird log, error, codes, linux, .
Red Hat Linux 7 Unleashed. By William Ball . (Network Error: Connection reset
I have a linux server program. I notice that after 2-3 days, the server stops
Feb 14, 2008 . How to fix the 'read: Connection reset by peer' sshfs error.
Aug 2, 2011 . Portable Linux Processor Affinity . . Connection reset by peer: These types of
An SSH client program is typically used for establishing connections to an sshd
error: cannot send monitor command '{"execute":"qmp_capabilities"}': Connection
Aug 8, 2010 . HowtoForge Forums | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials . [Sat Jul 17 16:
I have created a script to cat the contents of a log file and pipe it to head and tail
The OS X client calls the Linux service with the bug (RST ACK, and a (54, '
Oct 21, 2011 . Tips, tricks and solutions for Linux Engineers… and users. . KVM - Failed to start
Linking - Trouble with linking two servers; Linking - Connection reset by peer .
Linux Error: 104: Connection reset by peer when starting Oracle Listener. by
Connection reset by peer - Gmail does deliver email Parallels Plesk Panel 9.x for
Jan 5, 2011 . Posted by Mike on January 5, 2011 in Linux, Ubuntu, Vista, Windows, . Tags:
Nov 18, 2010 . Mesg read: Connection reset by peer . server notices that something breaks the
Mar 1, 2011 . Read from remote host myserver: Connection reset by peer Connection to
Linux and UNIX sftp command information and help. . Linux and Unix main
I just load up this custom ubuntu distro but have difficulty to ssh it. So I try to run
I got this exception when the first time I tried to connect my new ubuntu . '
. to retrieve feed: cURL error 56: Recv failure: Connection reset by peer. . some
Oct 30, 2010 . Thread: Linux find out program name responsible for opening tcp port . [client
solution required for (104) connection reset by peer . kindly note we are using
TNS-12547: TNS:lost contact. TNS-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error. TNS-