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Sep 16, 2006 . Hyphens connect words to avoid confusion, but since their usage . I especially
to clarify the meaning of certain words; to divide words; to express to or through
Mar 6, 2009 . Are hyphens better for separating keywords in your URI (Uniform Resource .
Hyphens join words together. Use them to form a single idea from two or more
Hyphens should be used to link the words in compound adjectives. . Linking an
Use the hyphen to connect words closely together. Use hyphens to connect
Jan 12, 2010 . First of all a dash (–) is not a hyphen (-). A hyphen is used to connect compound
May 17, 2011 . Dashes: hyphens, ens and ems. Share. The hyphen is the most common device
Using hyphens to link words and clarify meaning; hyphenating noun modifiers,
The dash—often typed as two hyphens side by side with no space between the
The dash is a handy device, informal and esentially playful, telling you that you're
A hyphen is a short, single-character line which connects word parts. The hyphen
To do this, start typing the sentence and insert two hyphens where you want an
Feb 10, 2012 . Compound words are either written as one word, two words, or two words
Jan 11, 2010 . The en dash replaces a connecting hyphen when part of the compound is a two-
. separately, written as one word, or connected by hyphens.owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/576/01/ - Cached - SimilarPunctuation Marks: The Difference Between Dashes and Hyphens . Jul 8, 2007 . A hyphen is used to connect words in order to form a compound. It was also used
En Dashes (–). The main use of the en dash is to connect numbers; it is used to
cabdriver, schoolchildren, waterproof, crosswalk, best man, floppy disk, high
Jan 20, 2012 . Hyphens (-) connect words, while dashes (—) connect larger parts of a .
It is also considered inappropriate to use the en dash in place of the words to or
Oct 13, 2010 . They had concluded that hyphen, which is used to link two connecting words (
Aug 19, 2010 . 1 John 5:20 - towards the end of the verse two words are joined by a dash - "true-
In addition to linking an open compound to another adjective, an en dash serves
Although they are each a simple horizontal line, hyphens and the various dashes
When an en dash connects numbers, do not space before or after it. When an en
Dec 7, 2009 . Connection: Think of nouns like three-year-old where the hyphens connect the
Hyphens are the small lines (about half the size of a dash) which are written in
(It apparently skipped the hyphenated transition phase.) . n Use a hyphen in
They do different jobs. Think of the Dash as a bigger line connecting bigger ideas
Hyphens are also used with certain prefixes and suffixes and in certain special
What is a hyphen? A single dash used to connect two words to create a
May 21, 2009 . The rules for hyphenating words are constantly changing and many . Rule 10: A
The en dash (–) gets its name because it's the same width as the letter N. It is
Jul 22, 2003 . MS Word automatically changes a dash surrounded by space to an n-dash, while
Download free ppt files and documents about Step Up To Writing Transition
A hyphen is also used to connect words together. For instance, you may want to
Sep 14, 2010 . TEXT 1: Within the last ten days two Anglo-South Americans have been in my
Mar 1, 2010 . Simply enter two hyphen characters between the two words you want to connect,
Jan 13, 2011 . As you perhaps suspect by now, hyphens connect words, prefixes, and suffixes,
Using a hyphen between the co and the root word makes the word more . No
Hyphens: Used with compound adjective forms, including those with numbers: . .
Spaces should not be placed between a hyphen and either of the words it
Hyphens connect the words of a compound modifier that comes before the word
I am a teacher. Top. Hyphens [-]. Hyphens are used to connect words or syllables
I have been asked to address the problem of hyphenating compound words. .
Information about hyphen in the free online English dictionary and . Verb, 1.
A hyphen can connect two (or possibly three… or four if you want to get really
(En dashes meaning “up to and including” in date ranges) Jim was interested in
May 2, 2007 . Hyphens connect words. En dashes connect numbers. Em dashes connect