Other articles:
www.thebody.com/Forums/AIDS/SafeSex/Q192159.htmlCachedSimilarApr 14, 2008 . Effectiveness of condoms (CONDOMS) (CONDOM EFFICACY) Jan 2, . .. stated,
https://health.williams.edu/. /male-latex-condoms-and-sexually-transmitted- diseases/CachedFurthermore, condoms lubricated with spermicides are no more effective than
www.aidsmap.com/Do-condoms-work/page/1746203/CachedSimilarNonetheless, a number of carefully conducted studies have demonstrated that
www.aidschicago.org/resources/legacy/condoms/ltoyw_fact.pdfCachedSimilarLatex condoms, used consistently and correctly, are 98-99% effective in preventing HIV transmission. Two rigorous studies of couples in which one person is infected with HIV and the other is not (known as “discordant couples”) indicate that HIV is very rarely transmitted when condoms are always used.
https://www.fphandbook.org/questions-and-answers-about-male-condomsCachedSimilarOn average, condoms are 80% to 95% effective in protecting people from HIV
https://debunkingdenialism.com/. /hiv. /condoms-protect-against-hiv- transmission/CachedMultiple scientific studies show that condoms are an effective way to prevent
www.uncares.org/content/condom-effectivenessCachedHow effective are condoms in preventing HIV transmission? When correctly and
www.cochrane.org/. /HIV_using-condoms-consistently-reduces-sexual- transmission-of-hiv-infectionCachedSimilarJan 21, 2002 . Thus, condom effectiveness is similar to, although lower than, that for . K.
www.advocatesforyouth.org/. a-z/416-condom-effectivenessCachedSimilarWhen used consistently and correctly, latex condoms are highly effective in
www.aafp.org/afp/2004/1001/p1268.htmlSimilarOct 1, 2004 . Evidence indicates that male condoms reduce the risk of heterosexual HIV
www.huffingtonpost.com/. /condom-effectiveness_n_1098668.htmlCachedSimilarNov 16, 2011 . A 1992 meta-analysis of condom effectiveness showed a 69% reduction in HIV
www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0277953696002584SimilarThe consistent use of latex condoms continues to be advocated for primary
www.who.int/hiv/topics/condoms/en/CachedSimilarMar 25, 2009 . Condoms, when used correctly and consistently, are highly effective in
www.prb.org/. /TheFemaleCondomWomenControlSTIProtection.aspxCachedSimilarIn a study to assess the cost-effectiveness of the female condom in preventing
https://www.poz.com/article/condom-PrEP-efficacy-26766-8889CachedFeb 4, 2015 . (“Effectiveness” is synonymous with condoms' success rate, or how . HIV rate of
www.avac.org/. /condom-effectiveness-reducing-heterosexual-hiv- transmission-reviewCachedSimilarA review of condom effectiveness data. Reviews from the Cochrane
www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1586/14737167.2016.1102635?af=ROct 21, 2015 . KEYWORDS: HIV, prevention, condom effectiveness, heterosexual transmission,
https://www.plannedparenthood.org/files/. /truth_about_condoms.pdfCachedSimilarany prophylactic prevention of sexually transmitted infection . . states that
https://www.guttmacher.org/. /effectiveness-condoms-reducing-heterosexual- transmission-hivCachedNov 2, 1999 . Context. It is not established whether the condom is as effective at preventing
www.wisdomofwhores.com/wp. /weller-1993-meta-analysis.pdfCachedSimilarThis paper reviews evidence on condom effectiveness in reducing the risk of
www.cmq.org.uk/CMQ/2013/Aug/hiv_and_condoms.htmlCachedThe authors of this second paper conclude that condom effectiveness with regard
www.ashasexualhealth.org/stdsstis/hiv/preventing-hiv/CachedSimilarIf you do have sex, use condoms—are highly effective at protecting a person from
thehill.com/. /issue-brief-effectiveness-condoms-preventing-hiv-transmissionIssue Brief: The Effectiveness of Condoms in Preventing HIV Transmission. In the
https://www.jstor.org/stable/2991537Generally, the condom's effectiveness at preventing HIV transmission is esti- .
www.ahcmedia.com/. /54363-condom-effectiveness-similar-for-pregnancy- hiv-protectionCachedMar 1, 2000 . Condom effectiveness similar for pregnancy/HIV protection. Challenge: Triple
www.factsaboutcondoms.com/. /Condom%20Effectiveness%20FAQ%202.4. 13.pdfCachedSimilarAre condoms effective at preventing sexually transmitted infections? . Long-term
https://drjengunter.wordpress.com/. /how-effective-are-condoms-at- preventing-hiv-really/CachedSimilarSep 2, 2011 . The fact that condoms are not 100% effective at preventing HIV transmission also
www.c-uphd.org/condom-effectiveness.htmlCachedSimilarFDA's updated evaluation of condom effectiveness against specific STI's .
www.kingcounty.gov/healthservices/. /~/. /condomsefficacy.ashxCachedexists regarding condom effectiveness for prevention of HIV infection than for
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https://www.health.ny.gov/diseases/aids/. /condoms/faqs.htmCachedSimilarCan condoms provide protection from sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), .
www.aidsmap.com/. condom-use-in. HIV-infections. /2586976/CachedMar 4, 2013 . However, it also found that sometimes using condoms is not effective at
www.thebodypro.com/content/. /condoms-tried-tested-and-true.htmlCachedSimilarSince the beginning of the HIV epidemic, condoms have been a cornerstone of .
onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/14651858.CD003255/fullSimilarJan 21, 2002 . Objectives. The objective of this review is to estimate condom effectiveness in
www.nhs.uk/chq/Pages/3100.aspx?CategoryID=118CachedSimilarWhen used correctly, condoms are the best way to prevent sexually transmitted
journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone. CachedSimilarSep 11, 2014 . However, a recent study from the US Centers for Disease Control estimated that
www.catie.ca/en/fact-sheets/prevention/condomsCachedSimilarThey are made of materials that do not allow HIV or STIs to pass through them.
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9141163Effectiveness of condoms in preventing HIV transmission. . of latex condoms
betablog.org/51-new-hiv-infections-condom-failure-anal-sex-study-finds/CachedSimilarOct 1, 2014 . From the over one million condom-protected episodes of anal sex that . PrEP is
abcnews.go.com/Health/story?id=117323SimilarCondoms are usually effective against fighting the spread of HIV and gonorrhea,
browardgreaterthan.org/condoms/CachedPrevent & Protect. How effective are condoms at preventing HIV transmission?
https://www.usaid.gov/sites/default/files/. /condomfactsheet.pdfCachedSimilarestimated to be 90 percent effective in reducing HIV transmission.2 Female .
https://www.cdc.gov/condomeffectiveness/CachedAug 12, 2016 . Correctly using male condoms and other barriers like female condoms and dental dams, every time, can reduce (though not eliminate) the risk of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), including human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and viral hepatitis.
https://www.nytimes.com/. /is-truvada-the-pill-to-prevent-hiv-99-percent- effective-dont-be-so-sure.htmlJul 16, 2014 . . to prevent H.I.V. infection and that its effectiveness is closely tied to . . condoms
https://www.facebook.com/. effective. condoms. hiv. hiv. / 10150314208410284/CachedSimilarWhere is HIV found? HIV is found in many body fluids including blood, semen,
www.scielosp.org/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0042. CachedThe review concluded that condoms were effective in protecting against
www.issuelab.org/resources/3136/3136.pdfCachedAre condoms effective in preventing HIV infection? Efficacy refers to how well an
https://www.researchgate.net/. /11492006_Condom_effectiveness_in_ reducing_heterosexual_HIV_transmissionOfficial Full-Text Publication: Condom effectiveness in reducing heterosexual HIV
www.unaids.org/en/resources/. /20150702_condoms_preventionCachedSimilarJul 7, 2015 . Condoms have helped to reduce HIV transmission and curtailed the . . Condom
www.hivandhepatitis.com/hiv. /hiv. /hiv. /4038-croi-2013-consistent- condom-use-stops-70-of-hiv-infections-says-cdcCachedSimilarMar 15, 2013 . However, the analysis also found that sometimes using condoms is not effective