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Classical conditioning of skeletal muscle responses was accomplished by
A previously neutral stimulus that, after repeated association with an
ditioning ofthe audiovisual cue, a second conditioned stimulus (CS2)was added.
A neutral stimulus is a stimulus which initially produces no specific response
conditioned stimulus definition, meaning, English dictionary, synonym, see also '
Conditioned stimulus - Description: 'Classical conditioning (also Pavlovian or
Conditioned Stimulus: In classical conditioning, a formerly neutral stimulus that,
Abstract. Stimuli that signal threat can capture subjects' attention, leading to more
Citation: Wise RA, Wang B, You Z-B (2008) Cocaine Serves as a Peripheral
(2010) Chan et al. Learning & Memory. Read by researchers in: 56% Biological
The classical conditioning procedure also requires a conditioned stimulus (CS), a
conditioned stimulus n. Psychology A previously neutral stimulus that, after
Acronym, Definition. CS, Counter-Strike (game). CS, Creative Suite (Adobe). CS,
The classical conditioning term for an initially neutral stimulus that comes to elicit
Nov 2, 2011 . Nicotine has both unconditioned and conditioned stimulus properties.
conditioned stimulus (CS) affects the form of the conditioned response (CR) is
In classical conditioning, the conditioned stimulus is previously neutral stimulus
stimulus /stim·u·lus/ (stim´u-lus) pl. stim´uli [L.] any agent, act, or influence which
conditioned stimulus (psychology), . Aspects of the topic conditioned stimulus
In classical conditioning, the unconditioned stimulus is one that unconditionally,
Feb 15, 2010 . Please explain the answer (why it's A and not B)? …
stimulus noun activator, animator, arouser, calcar, catalyst, catalytic agent, cause,
Behavioural Processes 67 (2004) 303–311 Serial order of conditional stimuli as
Extinction in classical conditioning (discontinuation of presentation of the
Cues (Conditioned Stimuli) for One Behavior Can Become Reinforcers for the
Jul 8, 1985 . Two experiments investigated the effects of conditioned stimulus (CS)
Assigning a gene's function to specific pathways used for classical conditioning,
The effects of the relative durations of the conditional stimulus and the intertrial
The conditioned stimulus. Generalization: A range of stimuli varying on a
The Gale Encyclopedia of Psychology - Conditioned Stimulus.
The conditioned stimulus elicits the conditioned response after conditioning has
Summary: Classical conditioning is a reflexive or automatic type of learning in
This type of stimulus-response relation -- or reflex -- does not require prior
A conditioned stimulus CS is a once neutral or unrelated stimulus that has been
In that case the neutral stimulus will become a conditioned stimulus in the sense
LEARNING AND MOTIVATION 17, 335-346 (1986) Rearing in Response to a
In classical conditioning two stimuli are presented in close succession . In this
Stimuli that signal threat can capture subjects' attention, leading to more efficient
Nov 29, 2011 . Classical Conditioning. The behavioral technique of pairing a naturally occurring
UCS. Classical conditioning is based on the premise that certain stimuli
Conditioning a response to a stimulus. CLASSICAL CONDITIONING. What do
Unique Identifier: 1954-00494-001; Title: Response strength and conditioned
preceded Skinner's work on operant conditioning using rats and pigeons that
The conditioned response is the learned response to the previously neutral
Apr 28, 2010 . I ring the bell (Conditioned Stimulus) which leads to the children coming in (
Apr 17, 2010 . Objectives: This article extends previous reports on (i) elicitation of taste aversion
Conditioned Stimulus Control in the. Circadian System: Two Tales Tell One Story.
Conditioned Stimulus in a Bait-Shyness Paradigm. Abstract. Animals receiving
conditioned stimulus. —n. psychol Compare unconditioned stimulus a stimulus to