Other articles:
only on the issue of whether compensation should be in the form of restitution—
Synonyms: reparation, redress, amends, restitution, indemnity. These nouns refer
Victims of crime have the right to request restitution for all crime related expenses
The judge can order the offender to pay all the restitution within the remaining
Criminal sentences may involve one or more different elements, including
Compensation and restitution are payments made to victims of conflict which are
restitution [ˌrɛstɪˈtjuːʃən]. n. 1. the act of giving back something that has
If the offender fails to pay restitution as required, the prosecutor or probation
These mechanisms are discussed below. 2 Compensation vs Restitution Despite
Restitution. Not compensation for legal wrong, but restoration to the plaintiff of
May 3, 2011 . A.R.S. § 13-810(B) states, “If a defendant has willfully failed to pay restitution or
Dec 17, 2010 . Court-ordered restitution is now mandatory, but sometimes is not enough . the
Jun 6, 2009 . The “two teeth for a tooth” view of punishment is espoused by Murray Rothbard (
2.2.4 Compensation vs. Restitution In Eastern Europe most industrial assets were
The terms 'reparation,' 'restitution,' 'satisfaction,' 'compensation,' . he/she can
Crime Victims Comp Brochure. **victim must cooperate with prosecution to be
Many states also authorize an order of restitution to third parties, including
Mar 1, 1999 . "COMPENSATION" VS. "RESTITUTION": WHAT'S IN A WORD? As the pro-Israel
Victim Services, Restitution and Compensation . are required to provide victims
The court orders restitution in all cases and it does not consider your ability (or
the time of sentencing, or at any other time, the court may set to pay a restitution
a defendant is convicted. Ordering vs. Receiving Restitution. Under federal law, it
May 5, 2011 . Restitution is the money that a judge orders an offender to pay to the . Damage
If the inmate is ordered by the court to pay restitution, the department will collect
Revenge or Restitution The Limits of . . Requiring the criminal to pay
Land Restitution to restore land or provide financial compensation for people
Victim restitution (sometimes referred to as a restitution order) is different from
when compensation order provisions were replaced with restitution order
OVS manages the Criminal Injuries Compensation Fund to assist crime victims in
Restitution or Compensation for Expropriated Property? One of the main
Once the defendant has been ordered to pay restitution, the victim can file a . is
Refusal to abide by the law or to accept a judgment (e.g., to. Page 2. pay
Courts have the authority to order convicted offenders to pay restitution to victims
pay restitution to you, but you are not getting money, it could be because the
An advocate from a Victim Service Program will give you a restitution form for you
Restitution does not compensate for "pain and suffering" or "emotional distress." If
The judge orders the offender to pay back the losses caused to the victim by the
Jun 13, 2007 . Victim Compensation and Restitution Information . would provide the Victim
If sent to prison or jail, the defendant probably will not be able to pay restitution
This article is written like a personal reflection or essay rather than an .
Because a defendant may be ordered to pay various fines and fees, as well as
restitution or other compensation, and answer any questions you have
A compensation award can only be right or wrong with reference to previous . . is
A restitution order requires the offender to pay an amount directly to the victim of
Oklahoma State Statutes provide that as part of the sentence or plea agreement,
Mar 10, 2009 . Restitution & Reparation. A reparation order is either a compensation order or a
Restitution: Often, the court will order the convicted criminal to pay restitution to
pay, and, in some states, the burden restitution will place on the defendant and
information about restitution and compensation; procedures for safety if you are
apply to pay restitution as follows: A: PAYMENT AMOUNT (tick one of the