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Communications Manager (posted November 28, 2011): District of Columbia . ..
Sr. communications coordinator jobs with 1199 Seiu U… Company "1199 Seiu United
Communications Director. 916-607-0040 dcrooks@seiu1000.org. Carlos Rivera.
Keri Rodrigues, 1199 SEIU, WSAR, Clear Channel Communications, Temple
Takes direct responsibility for developing and coordinating member
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Jobs 1 - 10 of 7524 . SEIU Job Description Job Title: Communications Writing Coordinator Job Location:
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Title, Communications Coordinator, Bilingual Spanish/English. Location, Boston,
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Aug 28, 2011 . The Senior Communications Coordinator is an exempt position. SEIU Local 721
SEIU USWW has a communications position available . the supervision of the
to: resumes@seiu.catsone.com: mailto:resumes@seiu.ca SEIU JOB
SEIU USWW has a communications position available . the supervision of the
Lincoln Heineman, SEIU Local 888, Charlestown, MA - Business Contact
Aug 23, 2011 . Communications Coordinator SEIU International APPLY NOW >>> Job Location(
Summary: Position: Senior Communications Coordinator Assignment:New
Apr 26, 2011 . The following Job Alert was posted on behalf of SEIU on Tuesday, April 26 . Job
This position is responsible for managing SEIU divisional communications and
Oct 28, 2011 . SEIU JOB DESCRIPTION. Job Title: Communications Coordinator. Location:
Communications Coordinator Minneapolis - Service Employees International
SEIU JOB DETAILS Position title: Communications Coordinator Location:
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Jobs 1 - 10 of 60 . Web Results, Web: Communications Coordinator - CATS Communications
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SEIU JOB DESCRIPTION Job Title: Communications Coordinator Location: Mi. .
SEIU is looking for an experienced writer to join our communications team. The
Apr 17, 2011 . Develop and coordinate communication strategy and message among local
Jobs 1 - 8 of 8 . Seiu - Minneapolis, MN. SEIU JOB DESCRIPTION Job Title: Communications
Find job Communications Coordinator. . apply@seiucal.org .
UnionJob: Communications Coordinator, SEIU-USWW in California http://t.co/
Communications Coordinator. Location: Minneapolis, MN. Job # 711335. Date
Oct 29, 2011 . October 29, 2011. View the job posting for Communications Coordinator at Seiu
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Nov 22, Communications Coordinator, Seiu United Service Workers West, Seiu-usww,
The Senior Communications Coordinator is responsible for leading specific issue
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Communications Coordinator - Support Innovative Campaigns in Southern
workers are attracted to working in nursing homes instead," said Julie Popper, a
Nov 29, 2011 . dynamic union seeking Communications Coordinator. USWW SEIU – Los
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SEIU JOB DESCRIPTION. Job Title: Communications Coordinator for Hispanic
Position: Campaign Communications Coordinator OVERVIEW The State Council
Political Communications Coordinator at SEIU . Political Communications
Oct 11, 2010 . Communications Coordinator for Comprehensive Immigration Law Reform
Job opportunities at the Service Employees International Union. . Jul 25, 2011,
Communications Coordinator for Immigration Law Reform Campaign is a Advertising