Other articles:
example on the CollectionViewSource class page (with a link to a . Just FYI,
Aug 6, 2006 . i want to filter a collection depending on the Text of a Textbox, but the only
Mar 16, 2009 . Last but not least we have to expose a method to enable users to force the
Feb 4, 2006 . When binding to a CollectionViewSource, the Binding object knows to . Update
Jul 18, 2009 . In a my previous post I've outlined the new CollectionViewSource . This
May 10, 2011 . Microsoft portal site for the Windows Forms and Windows Presentation
public class CollectionViewSource : DependencyObject, ISupportInitialize .
I have a WPF ListView bound to a CollectionViewSource. The source . A bit late
works fine with CollectionViewSource and Filter event but when Contact changes
May 11, 2012 . I'm trying to use CollectionViewSource.View.Filter in order to filter results for a
I can't believe I can't find an answer to this. I've created Entity Framework models
I have an ObservableCollection for my underlying list of items. I have 2 .
Refresh CollectionViewSource (Entity Framework) bound control. By: a guest on
Nov 1, 2009 . CollectionViewSource CollVS = (CollectionViewSource)Resources["CollVS"]; //
Aug 28, 2008 . Well, maybe not best friend but its a nice function. When working with bound
Oct 31, 2009 . Silverlight 3 – CollectionViewSource and Navigation. Posted by . . All that is left
Feb 13, 2010 . As we discuss in an earlier post one of the drawbacks of the
Jul 19, 2010 . This article introduces the “CollectionViewSource” element available in
Sep 16, 2010 . Refresh CollectionViewSource (Entity Framework) bound control. I can't believe I
Oct 27, 2010 . So the Source of the CollectionViewSource is the collection you . and Refresh
And you probably bind some ListBox to the CollectionViewSource. So instead of
public class CollectionViewSource : DependencyObject, ISupportInitialize, .
Jan 30, 2011 . For small data sets, we can always call CollectionViewSource.View.Refresh(),
Apr 18, 2012 . And I also try to control "CollectionViewSource refresh" in ObservableVector:
I am trying to Sort the results from a buffer using Collection View Source. . here
I have found that the RadGridView only displays refreshes when there are
Feb 1, 2012 . Tags: wp7dev. Having read a recent question on the App Hub Forums I decided
Filtering observable collection using CollectionView . ICollectionView view =
I use a CollectionViewSource to feed the Items of a ListView. . there a way to
Nov 11, 2007 . One possible (but not elegant) workaround is to manually call
Jan 16, 2008 . CollectionView behaves the same way too. . the target is a CollectionView then
May 20, 2008 . I found a class today on MSDN forums that inherits from CollectionViewSource
Oct 5, 2011 . var collectionView = CollectionViewSource. . grouped by age: //Group by age
Feb 13, 2010 . HINT: If you want to refresh the CollectionViewSource you can use the Refresh
Hi,. I have a problem with CollectionViewSource cvs which I use as DataGrid
CollectionView.Refresh Method .NET Framework 4. Other Versions .NET
bound? Is there a xamly way to make a CollectionViewSource . la.runcode.us/q/lazy-deferred-loading-of-a-collectionviewsource - CachedSilverlight 3, the CollectionViewSource and sortingJul 5, 2010 . This code tells the CollectionViewSource to sort the items in it?s view by the . . <
I have an ObservableCollection assigned to People and have a
ToUpper().Contains(productFilter.Text.ToUpper()); else e.Accepted = true; }. 5.
Aug 25, 2010 . Note : The default behavior of CollectionView automatically Refresh when a new
Tag: Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) CollectionViewSource - Filters . ..
Apr 1, 2009 . A Typical CollectionViewSource, and the Pain of Sorting . On top of that,
The best articles and discussions we have about collectionviewsource, binding,
Oct 20, 2008 . NET 3.5 or earlier, you can force a CollectionView to be updated at runtime by
I have a problem that my CollectionViewSource does not update when I change
Have you tried this? CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(datagrid.ItemsSource
Feb 13, 2009 . Public Class AutoRefreshCollectionViewSource. Inherits System.Windows.Data.
I am trying to refresh the sorting on a `CollectionViewSource` using Silverlight 3:
Nov 23, 2009 . To manually reapply the filter call CollectionViewSource.View.Refresh (for each