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Browse pictures and read growth / cultivation information about Scaredy Cat,
Jan 20, 2012 . Dogbane (Coleus canina) is a native of South Africa. It is also known as Scaredy
Feb 26, 2003 . I did a search on "Coleus canina" and not only is the name consistently
Jan 18, 2012 . What a Coleus canina? ChaCha Answer: Coleus canina also known as Scaredy
May 27, 2008 . Coleus canina. . This photo belongs to. Paterok's photostream (142) · Fingerhut;
Plectranthus neochilus - coleus canina flower macro.www.flickr.com/photos/51628428@N00/360531895/ - CachedPlant of the week: Coleus canina | Life and style | The GuardianMar 27, 2010 . The strong aroma of this blue-flowered plant makes cats go and do their business
Get cat-free garden with Coleus Canina. Gardeners, everywhere, have always
A variety of Coleus in the Plectranthus family (Coleus canina Sumcol 01 (Patent #
Name: Coleus Canina. Botanical Name: Coleus canina hybr. Zone: Exposure:
Mar 30, 2010 . The common name of the plant is Scarethecat plant, Cat-repellent plant or
Amazon.com: Coleus Canina: Home & Kitchen. . Your search "Coleus Canina"
Detailed Description. Name: Coleus Canina. Botanical Name: Coleus canina
Does anyone have the seeds for Coleus Canina? It is supposed to keeps cats
Apps for coleus canina Compatible with iPhone and iPad touch app listings, price
Top questions and answers about Coleus Canina. Find 3 questions and answers
Feb 22, 2012 . Archives for posts with tag: coleus canina . The pungent smell odor of the hybrid
The Coleus Canina plant, a weed originating in Europe, is known as the "Scardy-
Answer: Coleus canina is a weed in the mint family native to east Africa and
Experiments with over 300 plants have now produced the ultimate deterrent. Cats
The coleus canina, or the scaredy cat plant, is supposed to deter cats. It is
Top questions and answers about Coleus Canina Plant. Find 71 questions and
Plant coleus canina around any area of the garden you want protected from cats.
Coleus Canina is also known as the "Pee-off plant" or the "Scaredy Cat" coleus .
This unusual plant will help deter cats and other unwanted pests from entering
Coleus canina Sumcol 01 (Patent #13843) . This is a variety of Coleus in the
This forum is for those living around the Great Lakes to share their experiences
[edit] Summary. Plectranthus coleus canina plant tied down, with tall side
The border plant Coleus-Canina is now being marketed as an effective scent
Items 1 - 6 of 6 . Epinions.com - Find "coleus canina" Flowers. . Related: coleus plants, coleus
Apr 6, 2011 . Coleus canina, or the Scaredy-Cat Coleus, is a cat repellent plant. . Coleus
It´s real name is Plectranthus caninus but it is sold under the Coleus Canina, so
Under the name "Coleus canina", it is sold and marketed as a natural repellent to
such as the scented geranium, the mosquito plant, and citronella, will also deter
Coleus canina - Scaredy-Cat Coleus - Cat Repellent Plant . Coleus canina or
Map showing locations where Coleus Canina Plectranthus caninus grows -
I've just read a seed/plant catalogue from Dobies and noticed a set of 4 plants
Photographs of ground cover. Index Prev. | 1 | Next. Picture of Coleus canina.
Mar 14, 2012 . Cats and gardening don't make a great combination; we've all heard the statistics
Mar 4, 2009 . We are trying to find Coleus Canina (Scaredy Cat Coleus)? to no avail. We
Coleus Canina LOT OF FOUR POTTED PLANTS. Returns: Not accepted. Get fast
Add to Cart. Coleus Canina x 5 - Natural Cat Repellent - Scardy Cat. Scardy Cat
Coleus forskohlii! Coleus plant are glorious shades of reddish pink year-round.
Aug 18, 2006 . all the same plant, Coleus canina Sumcol 01 (synonym = Plectranthus caninus).
Coleus canina (medium; upright)Species plant with a reputation for repelling pest
Yes, we sell the plant commonly sold as “Coleus canina.” While being touted as a
One aromatic coleus, S. canina-hybrid is currently marketed to repel dogs and
The most reasonable tip seems to be planting the Coleus-Canina plant (also
File:Plectranthus-coleus-canina-02.jpg. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.