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Dec 27, 2011 . I want to "Publish" from Codesion to Github but even when the SSH-Key is
GitHub is public Git hosting site for both public, open source projects and .
Nothing in the Jenkins log and the GitHub Hook Log in the Jenkins project says
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Apr 3, 2012 . I have my ssh key setup and added to Github. Here are the . . How to Connect
GitHub is a web-based hosting service for software development projects that
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This is a motion detection experiment in javascript, and before starting any
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Mar 6, 2012 . Jenkins is a continuous integration server and this means it needs to check out
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GitHub, SourceForge, Google Code Hosting, Codebase, Yodiz . alternativeto.net/software/codesion/ - Cached - SimilarGitHub Alternatives and Similar Software | Popular Apps Like GitHub . GitHub is a web-based hosting service for projects that use the . alternativeto.net/software/github/ - Cached - SimilarProjectLocker Alternatives and Similar Software | Popular Apps Like . GitHub, SourceForge, Google Code Hosting, Codebase, Yodiz . alternativeto.net/software/projectlocker/?platform= - CachedBest Git repository hosting for a commercial project? - Stack OverflowYeah. github offers everything you need and does it all better than . .. We
Jan 11, 2012 . Better Integration Between Jenkins and GitHub (with the GitHub Jenkins Plugin)
Codesion lets developers and designers spend more time developing and
Nov 10, 2011 . Assembla vs BitBucket vs Codesion vs Atlassian OnDemand vs CodePlex vs
[More] features and more projects using the library. The release has been tagged