Other articles:
Dec 13, 2011 . Lists the error codes that may be reported by Device Manager and the possible
Aug 16, 2007 . Have developed a code 39 error on my Compro t300 under Vista 64 bit. Was
How to fix CODE 39 errors (CD or DVD problems in Windows XP or Vista). Do
I have lost function of my cd-rw, dvd-rw and sound card. My computer crashed
Nov 9, 2009 . Error Code 39 refers to an error when Windows is unable to detect the CD or
How to solve the Code 39 error in Device Manager. Code 39 errors are usually
Nov 19, 2009 . I have an odd problem, everything seems fine on my win 7 setup, and was
Question - DVD Drive Issue- Code 39 Error. Find the answer to this and other
Vista no longer recognizes CD/DVD RW drive; is listed in Hardware and in BIOS
Nov 14, 2011 . This article provides the steps to follow if you get 'code 39 error' which does allow
I am trying to use my USB ports for a USB to serial adapter. It isn't working. When
Error code 39 is a common error that at one time or another will occur on most
Oct 17, 2007 . How do I get my DVD/CD rewriter to work again?It is showing an error code 39.It
I have recently installed Vista Business and was having no bother untill I installed
Sometimes Code 39 errors can be caused by spyware and viruses, so it's
Best answer: I was working on an XP machine that was very badly infected. I
I was able to use Ovi suite fine before I recently reinstalled XP on my system. But
Did you know that we can also apply this to other code39 errors? Floppy not
Mar 5, 2007 . i download video ts files from the net. .concert videos. was using toast 6 and 7
I am getting the dreaded "Code 39" error on both of my cd/dvd drives. I have tried
Hello Recently I just re-install Window XP Home Edition (Dell Dimension 4550)
Windows Vista 64-bit gives a Code 39 error in device manager when drivers
If you are receiving this Code 39 error and your CD or DVD drive is missing and
(Code 39)'. I did have code 39 errors with XP, but it was related to cd/dvd drives,
Hi friends, I am imagining to acquire the Cooler Master Hyper 212 Evo. But I am
Jan 25, 2012 . The Device Manager utility complained about a missing driver service and
Description of ErrorThe error code 39 signifies that the device is not properly
Sep 14, 2010 . My mouse doesn't work. I had a virus, which I successfully removed. The virus
Along with many others, I have had problems with the code 39 error and my CD
May 8, 2008 . im having that error called error code -39 was returned by the audio driver" and
How can I ascertain if one of my files is corrupted when I get a "Code 39" error?
Sep 5, 2011 . Usage of CyUSB.sys in Vista 64-bit operating system gives Code 39 error (Code
Problems with How to Troubleshoot Code 39 Error - we recommend Driver Medic
How to fix CODE 39 errors (CD or DVD problems in Windows XP or Windows
Remove error 39 easily by downloading latest Windows drivers. Registry repair
Mar 4, 2009 . hi there . i have problem with my vaio N31S DVD / CD Rom drive, there's a
Let's now see what causes code 39 system error when you try to access your CD-
The machine is a 6-month old Acer Veriton M221. My DVD drive has stopped
Jan 21, 2010 . Windows cannot load the device driver for this hardware. The driver may be
I have an Hp G60 234CL laptop running window 7 professional. My laptop is not
I found the best solution that Microsoft Help & Support offers. I used there 'FIX IT"
The device manager in your computer will cause several types of errors. One of
I am attempting to fix the Code 39 corrupt driver error for the Sony CDRW/DVD on
The most common cause of the Windows Code 39 error is the way in which CD /
Sep 20, 2011 . The driver may be corrupted or missing. (code 39)". I looked up description for
Sep 23, 2011 . (Code 19). An "error code 39" error message. A message that resembles the
iTunes error (-39) when syncing iPhone iPhone Tips, Help and . but when it gets
Jan 30, 2012 . The Code 39 Error, as explained by Windows tech support, is just one of the