Other articles:
www.boards.ie/vbulletin/showthread.php?p=74318272CachedSimilarAug 17, 2011 . After unexpectedly getting a Clown loach with the tank, I've been . what I can
www.planetcatfish.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=17034CachedSimilarYup, but understand that eventually, your clown loach will out grow your tank and
www.fishchannel.com/fish-species/freshwater. /clown-loach-2.aspxCachedSimilarThe clown loach is an active schooling fish that is best kept in small groups (three
www.allaquariuminfo.com/2012/01/betta-tankmates.htmlCachedSimilarPosted in: best tankmates for bettas, betta tankmates, suitable betta tankmates,
www.aquariumlife.net/articles/tropical-fish/blue. loach/217.aspCachedSimilarFrom clown loaches to kuhli loaches, and from butterfly loaches to yoyo loaches,
https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid. CachedI have kept them with Angelfish,Parrot Cichlids, Tinfoil Barbs, Festivum,
www.aquaticplantcentral.com/. /73732-clown-loach-cherry-shrimp.htmlCachedSimilarHas anyone kept clown loaches and cherry shrimp together? cause I have a .
forums.gardenweb.com/. /aquarium/msg0510560026371.html?23CachedSimilarI have a large (8 or 9") black ghost I just love in a 29 gallon tank. . I would love to
www.aquahobby.com/gallery/e_modesta.phpCachedSimilarThey do a great job, and can handle their tankmates easily. . 120 cm community
www.oscarfish.com/oscar-forum/viewtopic.php/f,1/t,81039/CachedSimilaris it possible to have like 4 or 5 clown loaches with an oscar? . . I highly
www.aquariacentral.com/forums/archive/index.php/t-200761.htmlCachedSimilarI recently got a 125g tank that I'm repairing (yay) I want to make the tank clown
www.myaquariumclub.com/complete-fish-compatability-list-542.htmlCachedSimilarAlso, they are brackish water fish (some salt) so make sure other tank mates are
discusguide.com/choosing-discus-tankmates/CachedSimilarIn this article we talk about what fish make the perfect tank mates for Discus and
www.theoscarspot.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=15151CachedIf your question is can CL's be tankmates with O's then the answer is yes. .
www.americanaquariumproducts.com/loachesbotias.htmlCachedSimilar*Other common names: Clown Loach, Tiger Loach, Clown Botia . be more
aquaweb.pair.com/forums/archives/loach1/index.cgi?read=167CachedSimilari would like to share my experiences and opinions on clown loaches. .
forums.loaches.com/viewtopic.php?t=11915CachedSimilarDid you have a big group of Tiger Barbs or a small group? I am still learning
www.fishandtips.com/displaydb.php?ID=14CachedSimilarTankmates could include tiger barbs with whom they sometimes school. A group
www.aquariumadvice.com/. /ghost-knife-and-clown-loach-tank-mates- 192978.htmlCachedSimilarHi there, Which of these fish would likely be compatible tank mates for Clown
www.fishforums.net/index.php?/topic/. tank-mates-for-clown-loach/CachedSimilarBest Tank Mates For Clown Loach - posted in Tropical Discussion: Hello fish
forum.simplydiscus.com/archive/index.php/t-62801.htmlCachedSimilarI have three (3-4 inch) clown loaches in with my 5 juvenile and 1 adult Discus. All
www.aquariumfish.net/catalog_pages/. loaches/loach_clown.htmCachedSimilarClown Loaches are a schooling fish so keep a group with at least six Clown
badmanstropicalfish.com/profiles/profile13.htmlCachedSimilarThe Clown Loach can reach a length of 12 inches ( 30 cm ), but is usually smaller
tamarind.hubpages.com/hub/Clown-LoachesCachedSimilarJun 2, 2013 . If the tank is in harmony and all the fish are getting along, so to speak, a clown
www.liveaquaria.com/product/prod_display.cfm?pcatid=873CachedSimilarThe Clown Loach is a must-have fish for many freshwater enthusiasts. . to fast
forum.practicalfishkeeping.co.uk/archive/index.php/t-99476.htmlCachedHello, I have an 180l tank that currently contains 3 clown loaches and a featherfin
www.tropicalfishkeeping.com/. fish/clown-loach-tankmates-86018/CachedSimilarI have a 55 gallon planted tank full of driftwood and river rocks. I currently have 3
www.discushatchery.com/discustankmates.htmlCachedSimilarOther suitable tank mates for discus include: clown loaches(make sure they have
freshaquarium.about.com/cs/loaches1/p/clownloach.htmCachedSimilarVirtually all non-aggressive fish are suitable as tankmates for clown loaches.
www.oscarfishlover.com/. /235427-tank-mates-for-angelfish-and-clown- loachCachedSimilarwell, how big is your tank? You'd really want a school for your clown loach, a
www.loaches.com/articles/an-introduction-to-keeping-botiaCachedSimilarSep 18, 2007 . Botiine loaches will appreciate a good flow in the aquarium, which can be . . I
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clown_loachCachedSimilarThis article is written like a manual or guidebook. Please help rewrite this article
www.cyphos.com/forums/archive/index.php/f-25.htmlCachedSimilarCyphotilapia Tankmates. PDA. View Full Version : Cyphotilapia Tankmates .
aquariumfishparadise.com.au/archives/507CachedSimilarClown Loaches feature a long and laterally compressed body with an arched
https://www.livefish.com.au/tropicals/loaches/clown-loach-10cm.htmlCachedThe Clown Loach is an omnivorous, scaleless loach, with vibrant body colouring.
www.monsterfishkeepers.com/. /showthread.php?. Clown-loach-tank-matesCachedSimilarI just got six little clown loaches, would discus go well with them? I was also
www.aquaticcommunity.com/aquariumforum/archive/. /t-44683.htmlCachedReally, there aren't any other "buddy" tankmates for clown loaches than their own
www.kwas.ca/forum/showthread.php?241-Frontosa-TankmatesCachedSimilarOh, by the way, I do already have a shoal of clown loaches. . of adding some
www.petsmart.com/live-pet/live. /clown-loach. /cat-36-catid-700002CachedSimilarItem 36 - 15245 . Docile and slow moving community fish are not recommended as tankmates, as
www.allabout-aquariumfish.com/. /mixing-red-tailed-black-shark.htmlCachedSimilarIt shares few similar characteristics like a clown loach, first because it is a bottom
aqualandpetsplus.com/Misc%20Which%20Fishes%20Get%20Along.htmCachedSimilarMany prefer to suck hickies on their tank mates. Big ones get . They work great
animal-world.com/encyclo/fresh/loaches/ClownLoach.phpCachedSimilarMake sure to check compatibility with other tank mates as the Clown Loach gets
www.fishlore.com/Profiles-ClownLoach.htmCachedSimilarClown Loach Compatible Tank Mates : Many given their peaceful nature. They
www.cichlid-forum.com/articles/clown_loach.phpCachedSimilarAnd take care to slowly acclimate a new clown loach to your tank, as it is very
www.wetwebmedia.com/ca/volume_6/volume_6_2/loaches.htmCachedSimilarThe Hong Kong Plecos are completely peaceful towards their tankmates, . Like
www.raylady.com/Potamotrygon/Tankmates.htmlCachedSimilarSome smaller tankmates are easily ambushed at night while the stingrays are
www.funfishtank.com/2006/08/fish-compatibility-chart-freshwater/CachedSimilarBy making sure the fish you add to your fish tank are compatible first, you'll avoid
albertaaquatica.com/?showtopic=36147CachedClown Loach Tank Mates - posted in Bottom Of The Barrel: Hello, Anyone