Other articles:
Apr 7, 2012 . Chapstick Addiction Snopes Customer Reviews: Retail Value: $14.00 Sale Price:
Oct 16, 2006 . That's-a good-a chapstick! . We are addicted to lip balm. . . the world wide web I
Any lip balm containing alcohol will dry your lips out. . Sure enough, snopes.
I'll admit, I'm a chapstick addict, but I know exactly what you mean about those
A link to Cecil's column: Is it possible to be addicted to Chap Stick? . .. that is well
Jan 24, 2006 . Is Lip Balm Addictive? . However, even if lip balm isn't physically addictive, I
Here is a snopes article snopes.com: Carmex Addiction I'm going to look at the
Is car-max lip balm addictive? . told me you can get addicted to it very easily? I
May 26, 2011 . Carmex Addiction. Claim: People get "hooked" on Carmex Lip Balm because it
snopes. disappointments. Sorry, This Wendy's Coupon Is Not Redeemable For
Dec 5, 2011 . Carmex does NOT have fiberglass in it, and there is no proof that any lip balm is “
8060 results . snopes.com: Carmex Addiction Claim: People get "hooked" on Carmex Lip Balm
Lip Balm Anonymous is often asked if lip balm is really addictive. We wouldn't be
Others state that the claims about lip balm addiction are merely urban legends. .
Apr 1, 2010 . A Facebook group called “Chapstick Addiction” now has nearly 25000 members (
. and get the nicotine into the blood stream, feeding the addiction. . was in
184010 results . http://www.snopes.com/business/secret/carmex.asp - Comment -. Personal
Worth of snopes.com. Copy & paste code at your website: . www.webstatsdomain.com/domains/www.snopes.com/ - CachedLip balm addiction [Archive] - The Beauty Bottle[Archive] Lip balm addiction Make-up. . View Full Version : Lip balm addiction .
26510 results . snopes.com: Carmex Addiction Claim: People get "hooked" on Carmex Lip Balm
chapstick-addiction-snopes 0 1 0 0 10 0.search.4shared.com/. /searchXml.jsp?. chapstick-addiction-snopes. - CachedWho here has a chap stick addiction? [Archive] - AudiWorld Forums[Archive] Who here has a chap stick addiction? Off-topic Discussion. . I bought
Carmex addiction Medical. . when my lips are cracked and sore, and regular lip
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. and the babysitter [I'll quote it from Snopes for the sake of my laziness]: .
Chapstick addiction is just a label placed on the repeated act of applying
Recent Questions About: lips addicted chapstick · Lifestyle > . . symptoms. See
Get our latest reviews about Carmex Addiction and Lip Care in general and
This is a discussion on MedHelp about Is chapstick really addictive?. Community
I used to be addicted to Chapstick, but when I got pregnant I . Snopes has an
Mar 12, 2004 . Hi, my name is Harmless and I've been an addict to chap stick/lip balm for 14
Trader joe's lip balm - 3 for $2.99 :) All good ingredients too ! Burt's bees . . Re:
Some, such as Dr. Holly Phillips, claim that lip balm can be addictive, but others
Loads of people seem to be addicted to lip-balm. . . All snopes is saying is that
Chap Stick/Nose Spray. . Is there such a thing as chap stick addiction? . A
6 days ago . Moisturize dry chapped lips with the legendary formula of Carmex lip balm.
I love red lipstick, addicted to muzzic (all kindz except country and jazz) .
Find Chapstick Top medical information including its side effects, dosage, .
Several years ago, a 100 year old product called Carmex became the unwitting
Dec 4, 2006 . Snopes investigated and labeled claim about addictive Carmex false, in a . The
Dec 4, 2006 . Beware Addictive Chapstick . UPDATE: A lightly researched Snopes article last
chapstick addiction snopes Manufacturers Directory - chapstick addiction snopes
Feb 2, 2009 . It's a good thing I've been hanging around snopes as long as I have; otherwise,
I never understood the addiction, it never got to me :::: opens . i've never been
Is it possible to be addicted to Chapstick? . So you are addicted to chapstick! At
message.snopes.com/showthread.php?t=41705 message.snopes.com. 2012-01-
24-01-2004, 22:29. isn't carmex the lip balm that has the addiction support group
Jun 27, 2011 . This is because I tend to avoid things that my friends find addictive — and I've
Jul 7, 2010 . But there are others, like “lip balm addiction,” that may be more conspiracy . But,
[Archive] Which brand of Chap Stick isn't addictive? . look it up on just about any