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Jan 4, 2012 . Certification of Nurse Aides in Long-term Care Facilities and Personal Care
Forensic nursing is an exciting and rapidly growing specialty field that offers great
Learn what are the different nursing certifications list? Find out from this nursing
She also recommends CCRN and PCCN certifications for nurses interested in
ANCC is the only nurse credentialing organization to successfully achieve ISO
As a licensed registered nurse (RN), you can choose from over 50 different
CPEN is jointly owned and developed by the Board of Certification for
. a national board certification in their area of specialty. Registered nurses
Offers CPAN and CAPA certification. Offers articles, frequently asked questions,
After you've earned your nursing degree, and have some actual nursing
The Certified Legal Nurse Investigator (CLNI) course provides nurses with elite
The Certification Board for Urologic Nurses and Associates (CBUNA) improves
CNML — Certification for Nurse Managers and Leaders. The Certified Nurse
Types of Nursing Certifications and nursing specialty certification include Nursing
Nursing Certification, Continuing Nursing Education, Nursing Certifications,
Nursing Certification Directory. Nurses can purse a variety of special nursing
All Registered Nurses seeking initial certification through the Board to practice or
Aug 3, 1997 . This article provides an historical overview of the three major ways that nursing
Certification in HIV/AIDS nursing is recognized for a period of four years at which
ICUNursingJobs.com is the leading online resource for critical care nursing jobs
Because certification of nursing practice signifies attainment of specific criteria
The Oncology Nursing Certification Corporation (ONCC) is an independent
A nurse's postnominal (listed after the name) credentials usually follow his or her
Feb 21, 2012 . Earning the right to append the letters 'R.N.' after one's name permits the bearer
Find an extensive list of nursing certifications and where to get them.
Certification is a process by which a nongovernmental agency validates, based
Maintains a national peer review program for nursing specialty certifications.
Association of periOperative Registered Nurses. Topics of Interest. Topics of
While certification is not required for a career in perioperative nursing, it's a
Nursing is one of the fastest growing fields in today's job market. Learn about
You will find information you need on Nursing Certifications here. Our list of
LNC STAT offers Legal nurse consulting training and certification. Become
Nurse Certification Benefits Patients and Families - Certification provides patients
Jun 14, 2011 . Specialty nursing certification is often equated with expert, high-quality,
May 6, 2011 . ANCC is the only nurse credentialing organization to successfully achieve ISO
Certification in oncology nursing makes a difference—to patients whose care is
Assisting Foreign Nurses that have CGFNS or NCLEX RN certifications and live
Learn more about how nursing certification enhances your career on NurseZone.
In 2009, rules were adopted to allow nurses to demonstrate competency through
Search accredited online and campus-based schools that offer training programs
The ANCC Nurses Certification Program validates nurses' skills and knowledge,
Becoming certified in your field is both a professional and a personal
Dec 9, 2011 . Why Certification for Ophthalmic Registered Nurses? To promote delivery of safe
After two years and 2400 hours of perioperative nursing experience,
Certification. Certification Abbreviation. Granting Certification Organization.
Mar 5, 2010 . Specialty nursing certification benefits are detailed in celebration of Certified
Feb 19, 2011 . Certified nurse-operating room and certified case manager were also among the
AJN, American Journal of Nursing January 2007. Volume 107 Number 1 -
Jan 31, 2011 . Below you will find many nursing and medical acronyms for degrees and
The American College of Legal Nurse Consulting offers comprehensive, quality,