Other articles:
Sep 7, 2005 . I was typing a document and needed the cent sign (¢). I have never understood
Oct 11, 2009 . [ubuntu] Trying to use copyright symbol, registered symbol, cent symbol . i am
Jan 11, 2010 . Clay Thompson :And now it's time once again to visit the official Valley 101
Jul 26, 2010 . The cents symbol didn't make the evolutionary leap from typewriter to computer
Feb 2, 2010 . How to insert a cent symbol in windows 7, Windows Software, . no such symbol
Jun 18, 2010 . Others commented that there is no way to use these symbols as the cents sign
Can anyone tell me how to type the "cents sign" on a computer keyboard? It is not
While the dollar has a symbol for cents from beginnig [ ¢ ] the euro still has only a
Opens the corresponding menu. PC Keyboard Shortcuts . Registration Mark. . . .
Mar 12, 2010 . Originally Published March 12, 2010. Made you look, didn't I. Where did it go?? I
Your keyboard contains a number of other characters, most of which are not
Jul 6, 2010 . Word also has specialized keyboard shortcuts for many of the . For example,
Mar 26, 2004 . I hold down the Alt key and over on the number keyboard I put in 0162 for the
There isn't one on a standard keyboard, either. Frankly, the ¢ symbol itself is
Aug 12, 2011 . If you need more information on how to activate the keyboard, please . Upside-
The dollar sign is readily available on a standard keyboard, but the cent sign is
Aug 12, 2011 . Å,å, Nordic A ring (caps/lowecase), Angstrom sign, 0197 0229 . Cent sign, 0162
This is a great way to experiment with new symbols, signs and characters, and it's
May 28, 2011 . Have you ever found yourself staring angrily at your computer keyboard while
Top questions and answers about Where Is the Cent Sign on My Keyboard. Find
Feb 7, 2007 . ALT+0162 = ¢ for Cent sign . ALT + 162 ¢ Cent sign Sign or Symbol . Wow,
(Cent Monetary Symbol), ALT+0162, ALT+155 . the Chart, since they are either
[Archive] Cents sign on keyboard ? Technical Support.
Jul 27, 2010 . I am Confused and enraged at the fact of no symbol for cents on the iPod touch's
Where is the cents symbol on a laptop key board? In: Computer Keyboards,
Feb 5, 2010 . To type a cent sign “¢” in Windows just hold the ALT key and then type 0-1-6-2
Aug 13, 2008 . How do you create the cent sign, that little c with a vertical line . and using your
Dec 14, 2010 . Type text symbols with your keyboard. . You'll have to use Linux keyboard:
Oct 14, 2011 . i was doing powerpoint and i can't find the cent sign.
Jul 7, 2007 . I don't believe so, but if you are using Word or Word Perfect, go into the symbol
May 25, 2010 . How do I make a 'cents' symbol (¢) on the iPad? . Just like on a mac keyboard or
Keyboards do not come with keys assigned to produce many special symbols,
The exclusion of the cent symbol on standard keyboards is somewhat puzzling.
Answers to Common Questions. How to Type the Cent Symbol on Your
Save time in Word by using the keyboard instead of the mouse. . Hit Ctrl+/ (slash
Mar 9, 2003 . Why does the cent sign not appear in most font sets? Why isn't it on a standard
On this lens, you'll learn how to make those symbols and letters that aren't on
Dec 9, 2010 . For some keyboards, it allows some alternate combinations. In some keyboards it
Mar 16, 2010 . the cent sign is a special symble. why i don't know. it didn't make into ascii is all i
A long time ago, I read there was a way to use the keyboard to create the "Cents"
is it because cents are almost obsolete, or something of this nature?
Oct 25, 2011 . Stupid keyboard no cents sign. I've needed to use the cents sign a lot more often
How do you write the cent symbol in your keyboard? In: Keyboarding [Edit
Apr 11, 2006 . Is there a way to make the cent symbol (a "c" with a slash through it) from the Mac
Type currency symbols euro, pound, cent, yen, etc. B I U S R Copy all. Select all.
Aug 12, 2011 . For the Template, the symbol "V" means any vowel. . See the Extended
Is there a way to make the "cents" sign when typing? It's not on the keyboard but I
The cent sign has not survived the changeover from typewriters to computer
Keyboard shortcuts for special characters: Macintosh OS X, Windows. . ¢, &
Obviously it's not really needed much anymore, as I just discovered today that it's