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Secondly, I saw the Hungarian AMD-65 side folder for $399 at Centerfire
are the AMD 65s that centerfiresystems has made by century? i know at that price
Re: AMD 65. Post by curiositywasframed » Sun Feb 27, 2011 7:51 pm. It's this
Price: $399.99, AK AMD 65 Rifle 7.62x39mm - $399.99 AK AMD 65 Rifle 7.62
Nov 2, 2010 . AK AMD 65 Rifle 7.62x39mm for $389.99 offered by Centerfire Systems. Add 3%
AMD-65 Rifle - $399.99 (Centerfire Systems) Includes cleaning rod and kit, and (
AMD-65 Complete Rifle - $399.99 (Centerfire Systems) Gun Deals.
Go with the AMD-65. It's $399 at centerfiresystems.com and is good to go out of
got a US Palm pistol grip for my AMD 65 from Aim Surplus and a UTG forearm
Simple installation - No gunsmithing required. Fits the Hungarian AMD and
section of the ODT Classifieds that Centerfire Systems had the Hungarian AMD-
AMD-65 for $399 at centerfiresystems. Original new parts including receiver,
Recently bought an AMD-65 from Centerfire Systems. I've seen a number of
http://www.centerfiresystems.com/AKAGUN-AMD-2.aspx I'm considering one of
Edelweiss, would you mind answering a question about your AMD-65 build,
I just got a new AMD 65 from Centerfire Systems, imported by TGI. It looks to be a
AK AMD 65 Rifle 7.62X39 - $399.00 (Centerfire Systems) Gun Deals.
Aug 29, 2011 . http://centerfiresystems.com/AKAGUN-AMD-2.aspx . Not to the AMD65 receiver
Those of you who are looking for an AK barrel for those cut barreled AMD-65
Jan 24, 2009 . Centerfire Systems has Hungarian ak amd 65's for $499.99 . They say they are
Centerfire Systems has AMD-65's for $399.00, has anyone seen one of these that
But, I just found that centerfire systems has TGI AMD 65s on FEG receivers for
Reply 4: AMD-65 Grips. smittylite replied 1 year, 10 months ago. If you decide to
I just got an FEG built AMD-65 from Centerfire Systems. When I put the plastic
AMD-65 vs Kino Other Assault Rifles. . Center Fire Systems: http://
As for the FEG AMD-65's i've heard mainly good things no issues that i'm . .. Do
A few months back, someone here at the ODT mentioned that Centerfire Systems
I just ordered a take-off Romanian barrel (Centerfire Systems) to use with my
I called centerfire systems up today and asked them who was the builder. She
I just got an e-mail from Centerfire Systems listing a special on the AMD-65. The
$400 orderd from centerfire systems, FEG amd 65 ak variant. From site . Me
Centerfire Systems Inc. is a mail order company specializing in the resale of
Centerfire Systems had AMD 65's for $399 with free shipping this weekend. http://
Available at Centerfire Systems in Versailles, Ky., is an AK AMD 65 Rifle with rear
AMD-65 through Centerfire systems - AR15.Com Archive - AR15.COM.
I am looking at a Hungarian AMD-65 to buy. I'm wanting to get back into the AK
AK AMD 65 Rifle Part #AKAGUN-AMD. centerfiresystems.com. Available at
[Archive] Hungarian AMD-65 FEG Reciever Centerfire Rifles. . as the reviews
If i were you, id grab up the FEG AMD 65 now, because they will be rare . .
I purchased an AMD-65 from Centerfiresystems.com for $399. It is built on a
Centerfire systems AMD-65 for 399 was my choice. Its a solid AK if you dont mind
AMD-65. 2005 - got a kit from Centerfire Systems and began the build process. .
Centerfire Systems has Hungarian ak amd 65's for $499.99 . They say they are
Centerfire Systems. CenterfireSys Centerfire Systems. Don't forget this is the last
AMD-65 through Centerfire systems - AR15.Com Archive .
I just picked up an AMD65 AK. While it's sold by Century it's . http://
Most of the AMD-65s I have been seeing lately are built by TGI on FEG receivers.